chapter 2: a few fateful meetings

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As you are already aware I work at a MacDornalds and I'm gonna be honest. This is like my dream job. I mean I'm so good at making burgers, and pleasing customers this is great! I get paid 45 cents per hour and get a warm smile from my boss before leaving work every evening. He told me himself that it doesn't get much better than this *laughing crying emoji*. (Please ignore that I haven't yet understood how to use Emojis I might be good with the electronics but Emoticons are something different).


Let's get back to talking about today. It was about 11pm and I was sitting in the MacDornalds watching some internet videos over my Samsung Flip-Phone when our customer came in. Now, I know what you're thinking: "wow Dumbli it's 11pm and you're still working??" 

And the answer is yes but also no. Technically I am not working but to understand I need to tell you about this customer:

 I met him like 3 weeks back. He was very sweaty and arrived at the MacDornalds right while we were closing. He was basically begging me to make him one last burger. I wouldn't have, but I noticed that he had a dirty beard and sweat makes a dirty beard even more dirty so I thought "I'm going to make him a burger for the sake of his beard" He gave his order and I made sure to put nothing but meat because the other ingredients could fall out and onto his beard and that would be cringe. 

I walked out and I brought him his burger and I saw the moon reflecting in his deep brown eyes and my heart made a jump. He looked at me with bright red cheeks (the cheeks in the face, not the other ones, and yes I could see them glowing red through his beard what do you think do I have my glasses for???) and he looked at me and he said "Thank you, I'll be coming more often cutie" and he winked and left. As he left I saw his bald head reflecting in the moon and I thought "wow I thought I was the only one who's head looks like a smooth babies butt".

Ever since that happened I've been keeping the MacDornalds open until he arrives which doesn't always works because sometimes he doesn't show up at all and I just end up sleep deprived #thuglife. 

But today I saw him and his beard enter the MacDornalds. I was ecstatic when I smelled the AXE Body Deodorant that he always wears. 

Like I said it was 11pm and noone was in the store but us. 

I smiled and asked "the usual?" 

"No," he said "this time I'll have you.."

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