Chapter two

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*This chapter has multiple pov*
Ashley pov
First, second, and third year flew by. In first year Harry found the Mirror of Erised. He thought that Professor Snape was trying to steal the sorcerer's stone so he went down to the dungeons with me, Hermione, and Ron. Turns out that it was Professor Quirrell with Voldemort attached to his head. Harry found the stone and defeated Voldemort.
In second year there was Professor Lockhart who was a totally jackass. He started a dueling club where the whole school found out that me and Harry speak parseltounge. Then there was a baskailsk running in the sewage pipes trying to kill all the muggle born. The heir of Slytherin had opened the chamber of secrets so Harry, Ron, and I used the girls bathroom to go down into the chamber to defeat Voldemort( again). But Lockhart followed us and him, me, and Ron were trapped behind some rocks while Harry rescued Ginny.
In third year we had dementors floating around the whole school because Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. But he was Harry's God father and friend of the DADA teacher, Professor Lupin. Lupin was a werwolf and Harry, Hermione, and Ron. We're all in trouble. I was sick in the hospital wing when this all happened so I don't know exactly what happened. And Ron's rat was actually a full grown man.

*train station before fourth year*

Ashley pov
I was boarding the train and found the cabin with Christina and Amber in it.
" Hey guys! I'm gonna go see Hermione, Harry and Ron to say hi and then we can steal Hermione away. " I said as I was loading my trunk above my head taking the cage with my cat and carefully placing it on the seat.
I walked down the hall until I was suddenly pulled into a compartment.
" HEY! I will hex you back to London" I threatened the hidden person.
"Relax Ash it's just us," said Harry
"Harry!" I squealed hugging him "ugh I haven't seen you all summer. How was it? What did the Dursleys do this year? How was your birthday? Did you get my gift"
"Do you ever pause for air?" Ron asks. I hit him with piece of candy. "And thanks for asking how my summer went."
"Super offended you didn't ask me," Hermoine laughed "We know you and Harry are best friends but come on"
"Everyone tell me how your summer went" I said smiling "you all seem taller."
Ron and Hermoine went on to talk about their summers pretty briefly and Harry answered my questions and not much else.
"I wish I could stay with you guys the whole train ride but I have to steal Hermione away for a bit and we will be back." I said standing up. Hermione and I left going to the compartment with Amber and Christina.
"Hey guys," I greeted them as we walked in "sorry it took us so long. You know how it goes." I shrugged.
"Yah we know how it goes when you love Harry and wanna flirt with him forever." Christina smirked.
"I'm not as bad as Blaise is with me right?" I freaked out. I swear that boy hangs off my every word.
"No definitely not." Hermoine said "You were very cool, calm, and collected."
"The big three c's" Amber butted in. "Have you seen Blaise anywhere around yet?"
"Aw is Ambi missing her sweetie?" Christina mocked her "You know he loves Ashley right? Speaking of loving Ashley when are you going to ask Harry out?"
"How about never," I squealed "what if he said no. Not only would I be heart broken but it would ruin our friendship."
"Ashley you've liked him for three years now it's time," Hermione said.
"Well when are you and Ron going to get together cause everybody knows that you like each other," I counterattack.
"We are not talking about Ronald and the difficult relationship the two of us share. We ar-----" Hermione was cut off by three girls breaking out in laughter. "What's so funny I don't understand," Hermione said confused.
"You and Ron's relationship is not difficult it's simple. You like him and he likes you. What's difficult about that?"
"That's you and Harry too," Hermione mumbled enough where only I heard her.
We all changed then went to sit with Ron and Harry. The compartment was a little stuffed with six of us jammed in there but we made do. It was fun to have all of us together and not be divided by stupid rivalries that fuck up even the strongest of relationships.
Too soon we were at the castle that we all love so much. It luckily hasn't changed a bit over the summer. We didn't worry about our luggage knowing it would all magically appear in our rooms. I grabbed my wand and left the train heading to the six person carriages pulled by absolutely nothing at all.
"Is it weird we haven't been harassed by Malfoy yet?" Harry asked once we had boarded the carriages. The familiar smell of the carriage seats was comforting.
"I was thinking the same thing," Hermione said   "Usually he has already called Ashley a slut and a whore twice by now."
"Running a little behind," I joke "I bet he'll pick up the slack at dinner." We all chatter about summer and the upcoming school yet till we arrive at the entrance.
Once inside the four long tables were already filled with students. Amber, Christina, and I went to our usual seat. The students got sorted every one cheered. Dumbledore's speech was as wise and confusing as ever. The food appeared on the table before our very eyes. That never fails to amaze me.
After the feast I got all my girls together, "I promise you all that in three weeks I will ask out Harry," I proclaim. Amber and Christina give me fake gasps. "Hermione I want you to preform a spell that if I don't do this something really embarrassing will happen. But don't tell me what it is. You have till morning. Goodnight."
Amber and Christina rattle off their good nights and we head down to the dungeons. I can't wait to get a good night rest and get to classes in the morning. For a pretty blonde girl I'm kind of a nerd. I mark three weeks on my calendar.
I wake up to the familiar shaking a of Amber jumping up and down on my bed. She sings "shower time" and moves on to Christina. I groan and get my things for a shower. The hot water feels nice on my relaxed body waking me up and washing my bad dreams of destruction and tornados. Last night it felt particularly windy in my sleep.
Practically skipping to breakfast the girls and I hurry to eat and get our schedules. Per usual we have almost all classes with Gryffindor. After three years I still don't know why they do that. Put the houses with the most hate towards eat other in a little classroom. I'm not complaining cause I get to see Harry. And Hermione and Ron I tell my self quickly.
First class is my favorite DADA with that new weird guy with the glass eye. Professor Moody.

*after first class*

Professor Moody, Professor Moody, Professor Moody. I want to strangle him with his own glass eye patch. He taught us something unforgivable. The three curses, the killing curse, the torture curse, and the controlling curse. All horrible in their own unique way. And completely illegal for teaching and performing. But Professor Moody doesn't care. That's the only thing I like about him. His lesson style was horrible with those damn spiders, but the route was good. He really wants us to understand. Not just memorize.
All the other classes were normal. For most it is the time to explain the rules, goals, and lessons for the year. Boring.
Malfoy did make a couple rude comments. I'm glad because I was begging to think he went soft.
At dinner Hermione had the spell ready. After food was served she gave me a signal and we snuck off to a bathroom. She preformed it and was giggling the whole time.
"Oh god 'Mione how bad is it gonna be when I chicken out," I ask not sure if I want to know the answer or not.
"Not bad one bit because you're not going to chicken out. You asked me to do this for exactly that reason." She said sternly.
I groaned and waited till she finished. "This won't kill me right?" I asked only half joking. Hermione just laughed and walked off to dinner.
"'Mione I am serious," I yelled as I raced after her to get food before it was all gone.

*2 weeks 5 days later*

Harry's pov
I was on my way to the great hall when I saw Ashley. I waved her over. We started to chat about the new schools that were coming to stay with us. Each school was assigned a house and Ashly said that the boys all think it's bullshit the Dumstrang boys have to stay with Slytherin. She doesn't care because they have like one girl so their space isn't crowded. She seems very nervous all of a sudden.
"So Harry I was... uh... wondering if you...uh...would like to... go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?" She ask. YES! OH MY GOD! I scream internally.
"Or if you don't that's fine too. I guess," she mumbles. I realize that I haven't said yes yet.
"NO! I mean I would love to," I say. That was so embarrassing.
"Okay then," she chuckles "pick me up at 1 on Saturday." She walks into the great hall and sits with her friends. I can't help but stare at her butt as she walks away.

Ashley's pov
I am so excited me and Harry are going on a date. Me and the boy-who-lived. I could just scream. I'm not the only one either. He seemed overly excited. I was planning on telling Amber and Christina right away but before I could sit down I fell some one coming up behind me.
"Potter was checking out your ass," Draco whispered sending electric shivers down my back. And blood straight to my cheeks.
"Aw. Is some one jealous?" I babied Draco. In return he rolled his eyes.
"We have been over this Ashley if I wanted to have a whore girlfriend I would just ask Pansy." Draco states and I giggle quietly but loud enough Draco hears and he smirks. "Any way I was just letting you know incase you wanted to kick his ass. I would love to see that."
"Now why would I kick my date ass?" I ask making sure he hears I said date.

Draco's pov
I was sitting in my seat at the Slytherin table and I can't wait to see the Beauxbatons girls. I know that they are absolutely stunning. On that first train ride I thought that Ashley Rosewood was one of them. I was dumfounded when I figured out I knew her family and she wasn't from anywhere close to where those girls are from.
I was drinking some pumpkin juice when I saw them talking. Ashley and Potter. They're the it couple of Slytherin. They're not even together and Potter is a Gryffindor. I saw Ashley walking towards the table and I looked back at Potter. I follow his eyes and realize he is staring right at her ass as she walked away. I get up and whisper to her. First, she laughs at my joke even though I called her a whore. Then, she drops this huge bomb on me that she very obviously wanted me to hear. Her and Potter going on a date. For some reason that made so angry I didn't even notice the Beauxbatons enter. All I could think about was why Potter and Ashley was bugging me.
In the dungeon bedrooms Zambini asked me what was going on with me. He claimed I wasn't focused at all during dinner. I asked him what there was to be focused on.
"Chicks to bang this year," he said as he drifted off to sleep.
I couldn't even remember one girls face.

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