When JPN got closer, he saw that his eyes are closed. He's having a nightmare.

Does this happens every night?

Why didn't I think about it sooner?

"Stell," he called softly. He put the pillow away and replaced it with himself. He hugged Stell and tried to wake him up. "You're dreaming. I'm here, I'm here," he whispered to him as he combed his hair with his fingers, kissing his temple to calm him down.

He felt him move and he's finally awake. He smiled at him softly, wiping his tears away. "It's going to be alright, Stell. I'm sorry. I won't leave you, promise."

Stell hugged him tighter and rested his face on his neck. "Thank you, Pau."

He kissed his forehead one last time before dozing off.

Birds chirping and rays of sunlight woke JPN up. He tried to shield his eye with his hand as he closed the other to adjust at the brightness. He's about to stand up when he felt something tightened on his waist. He smiled at the sight.

Stell hugging his waist very securely, as if he'll be gone any minute now.

He looked beside him and saw the beautiful angel resting his head above his arm. He combed his soft hair with his free hand and buried his face on his neck, inhaling the strawberry scent that lasts until now.

He traced the very visible mole on his face that's on his right cheek then down to his nose, then to his lips that felt so soft on his cheeks yesterday.

He could wake up every morning like this.

He planted a quick kiss on the other's forehead, and continued admiring him.

"Good morning," he said, almost a whisper, when he saw his eyes flatter open.

He saw a shocked reaction from Stell but it was quickly replaced by a smile. He hugged him tighter, "Akala ko panaginip lang," he mumbled. "Good morning, Pau."

It's just three minutes before six thirty in the morning when they woke up. Instead of getting up and being ready for the day, they chose to lay down for a moment and admire each other from up close, feeling each other's embrace.

He missed that, hugging someone as he wake up. He smiled wider.

Totoo nga.

And that went on for a complete fifteen minutes. Then they decided they should get up and start their day.

They had their usual breakfast and now, they're walking outside the house.

"Na-miss ko to," Stell blurted out as they walk, his arm around JPN's arm grew tighter.

"I'm happy for you," he said while looking at him making the other glance at him, smiling widely.


"Really," he let go of the other's arm and snaked it around his waist, pulling him closer.

They rode a train that'll take them to the city. He really missed the city by how excited he looks.

As soon as their foot landed on the station, Stell pulled him immediately towards the mall. They went to the grocery first, Stell filling their cart up with almost anything strawberry and also meat and vegetables. He also added some baking ingredients and sweets. It's been a while since he last baked.

Their cart is almost full, making them carry two bags full of groceries each which they chose to deposit at the bagger first for less hassle.

They had their lunch at KFC after that, then they chose to hang out at the arcade for a moment.

It was a blast!

Both of them are laughing as they walk back to the bagger to get their groceries back when someone called JPN.



When they both looked back to check who it is, JPN went confused and then he looked at Stell who looks completely shocked at the moment.

When the man got a little nearer, he saw Stell and he has the same reaction as Stell's.

"Stell?" He mumbled confusedly.

JPN was just about to ask who he is but Stell quickly ran out of nowhere. He was left no choice but to chase Stell. He doesn't have any idea who's the man in the first place.

"Stell! Yung groceries, naiwan natin!" JPN tried to call him and stop him. "Why are you running? Sino ba yon?"

JPN looked back and saw that the man from earlier was also chasing them.

"Stop asking. Si Josh na bahala ron," he almost shouted and JPN couldn't put a word if he's angry or afraid. Stell quickly get his phone from his pocket and dialed someone.

"Josh!" He exclaimed as he continued running. "Ken," he pants. "Ken is here."

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