At the same time, both of the supernatural girls thrust their hands forward, causing the doors to slam open, and attract the attention of everyone in the room. Joyce, Hopper, Mike, Lucas, Will, Dustin, Nancy, Max, Johnathan, and Steve all nearly had a heart attack when they looked up to see El and Gwen walk through the doors. The scientist's eyes widened in amazement as they watched the girls use their powers effortlessly. Unfortunately, that wonder soon turned to horror when they started using their powers on them.

"Oh hi," Gwen smiled as she glided over to the men before raising her forearms, "miss me?"

They didn't even get a chance to respond before the blond clanged her metal cuffs together, resulting in the group of doctors getting thrown across the room. Meanwhile, El was fighting off a pack of demo-dogs.

"Gwen," Joyce yelled as her daughter kicked a guy in the coconuts, "be careful sweetie!"

"Yeah," Lucas cheered as Gwen socked another guy in the face, "show no mercy!"

"Use your wrist thingy!" Dustin shouted as he watched his friend shove another scientist into the wall.

"Yeah, beat 'em up, Gwen!" Mike yelled.

"That's my sister guys," Will nodded proudly.

"El," Gwen turned to her friend as she knocked out her last scientist, "you need some help?"

"I can do it," the stubborn girl responded as she focused on killing the last Demogorgon, causing Gwen to roll her eyes before going to help her anyway.

"No," Gwen held her hand out, "we can do it."

"Girl's no--" Hopper tried to stop them, only to get cut off by both of them letting out a battle cry.

Everyone covered their ears as Gwen and El shot their hands out. The supernatural girl's used their powers to lift the creature in the air before slamming it against the wall, then the floor, and then the ceiling. It let out a cry as they held it in the air again, its legs helplessly moving as the girls narrowed their eyes at it. With one strong scream, El and Gwen were able to rip it apart from the inside out. The creature exploded into a pool of blood all over the walls, some specks flying onto the girls. El and Gwen turned to each other.

"We did it," Gwen smiled as she held her arms out for a hug.

"We did it," El grinned as she wrapped her friend in a tight embrace, neither of them caring that they were covered in blood.

The 8-year-old squeezed her friend one more time before pulling back and turning her to where Mike was staring at the brunette in awe. Gwen patted her shoulder, "Now go get your Mike."

Mike didn't even speak. He just moved forward, a look of pure joy on his face that made Gwen smile involuntarily. He looked like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. Like he was home. Gwen moved over to Hopper, who put an arm around her shoulders as they both watched Eleven's face break out into the sweetest, saddest smile they had ever seen. She stumbled forward at the same time and the two grabbed onto each other, pulling themselves into an embrace that was long overdue.

"I never gave up on you," Mike started down at Eleven with teary eyes as his hands held hers in between their chests. "I called you every night for--"

"353 days," Eleven whispered. Her eyes darted between his, drinking in every inch of him. "I heard."

Mike's eyebrows furrowed as Gwen and Hopper exchanged a knowing glance, making Joyce's eyebrows crease. "Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?"

"Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper stated, making Gwen mentally facepalm. He looked between Gwen and Eleven. "I wouldn't let either of them."

"WHAT?!" Joyce bellowed as she strode over to Hopper, shocking everyone else. They would expect this reaction from Mike, but Joyce? Sweet, motherly, soft-spoken Joyce? "You wouldn't let her what?!"


"You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yelled as he pushed past Lucas and shoved Hopper square in the chest.

"Kid, not now, okay--" Hopper sighed, only being able to deal with one screaming person at a time.

"I can't believe this Hopper!" Joyce screamed as she looked up at the man, although he seemed to be the vulnerable one in this particular situation. "You took my girl away from me! You hid her. You hid her and you didn't say anything! How could you do this to me?"

"Joyce, please just let me explain--"

"No!" Joyce screamed as she pushed Hopper back. "You kept me away from my daughter! You lied! I trusted you! I'll never forgive you for this Hopper, never!"

"Stop!" Gwen stepped in front of the chief of police and stuck her hands out defensively. "Please, just stop yelling at him," the blond glanced at Hopper, the man nodding at her, before continuing. "He only hid El and me so that something like this wouldn't happen," she gestured to all the bodies of the dead scientists, and the blood splattered everywhere. A cloud of realization seemed to loom over the group as they looked around. "He was just trying to keep all of us safe."

"So should I be thanking him then?!" Mike yelled, his temper overpowering his judgment.

"I'm not asking you to thank me. I'm asking you to try to understand," Hopper stepped toward him.

"Well, I don't understand! I don't understand!" Mike yelled before lunging toward the man, only for Gwen to pull him into a hug.

"It's okay," Gwen soothed as she held onto the heartbroken boy. "It'll be okay, Mike."

"Nothing is okay," he wailed as he hugged her back. "Nothing about this is okay!"

"I know," Gwen whispered as she looked up to see her mom staring at her with an unreadable expression, "I'm sorry."

The Overcomer, Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now