24 | 𝐃𝐫. 𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐠

Start from the beginning

One of the things I loved about Wakanda was that everyone was equal. The whole country did not revolve around the palace, it was the opposite. The palace was only one component of the country, and it was two blocks away from the main city where most of our shopping and things of that nature were done.

I went to the markets, and got two bags of food for us. I made a stop at a farmers market and picked up some fertilizer to help with my garden, as well as some goat and cat food. We were fully stocked on clothes and books, but I found a knitted blanket that I liked at the thrift store, so I got it. Also at the thrift store, I found an adorable wolf stuffed animal for Ingrid, one I would be sure to wash before giving it to her.

Relatively quickly, I made my way home and was excited to see my baby for the first time that day. Being away from her didn't settle with me, and I wanted her always around me, if possible. What I saw when I arrived in the fields outside of our house surprised me immensely. Sam, Steve and Bucky near my house. With my goats, and without my kid.

I walked closer to the trio, placing my bags on the grass and approaching them rather quickly. "What are you two doing here? I asked, failing to contain my smile and laugh.

The three men turned at the sound of my voice and walked towards me. Steve arrived at me first, and quickly brought me into a hug. "Missed you, Les. We were in the area." He said, letting go of me.

I nodded sarcastically. "I missed you guys, but really, Steve? 'In the area'? You're on the run." I said dubiously, not buying his excuse.

Sam took over in the explanation as Steve nervously scratched his neck. "We really did miss you guys, but there's someone also here to see you. She's in inside." The man revealed cryptically, not helping me understand anything.

"Suspicious, don't you think?" I asked teasingly, and the men smiled. "Where's Ingrid?" I continued, turning to Bucky.

"Inside. Go see her." Bucky told me, and I nodded, still not convinced. Picking up the bags again, I walked into the house, only to find a woman and my baby near the kitchen table.

I stopped dead in my tracks, placing the bags on the ground. I almost didn't recognize her because of her short blonde hair. She looked different. Like she was somebody else. Maybe I was somebody else.

"You look different." I called out, seeing Natasha tense. My sister turned around, revealing Ingrid completely entranced with her face, her little arms brushing her face over and over.

Natasha didn't look away from me while she formulated a response. "You look the same. Happy birthday." She said, nodding her head.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You remembered. Surprising." I muttered, approaching her and snatching Ingrid. I didn't really trust her right now, and I wanted Ingrid around me. Ingrid was whining, so I rocked her in my arms, lulling her to sleep.

"You're good with her." Natasha marveled, walking closer to us.

I rolled my eyes, very clearly. "She's my kid." I made clear, as if it was obvious, which it was. "Why are you here, Natasha?" I asked, turning around to face her, sitting down at the table.

"Is it crazy to say I've missed my baby sister?" Natasha tried, her eyes softening.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "It is when you've lied to said baby sister for her whole life, as well as completely abandoning her. Just like you abandoned your other sister." I threw back into her face, unable to find the strength not to be petty.

Natasha looked away for the briefest of moments, feeling the guilt. "Did you ever find out about what Domoski wanted with you?" She asked, trying to change the subject to fend off how awful I know she felt.

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