Chapter 1

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"Long ago, a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work. But the forest greeted them with a dark cold silence, the bushes empty. Yet determined to find the berries, the rascal broke free from Mother's grasp and vanished into the trees. Mother's worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on; over vine, under branches and into the forest deep. Feeling strange eyes upon her, the girl recalled Mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry."

"Then the Bat Lord appeared! He greeted her warmly and bit his own wing. "Come child. Quench your thirst," he said. So she drank the thick, dark blood and smile with joy. Passing through a graveyard, menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold. The girl was shivering in her thin clothes. Then a Dark Weaver appeared, and with a click of his fingers, crafted mist into a beautiful dress. "Come, child. Warm yourself." he coaxed. So she clothed herself and smiled with joy."

"Across waters deep and ominous she went, hoping a boat she found would carry her home. But hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy. Then the Fish King appeared and offered one of his many fins. "Come, child. Eat your fill." So the girl ate and smiled with joy once more. Continuing on, she soon entered the forest's, dark heart. Then an Iron Steed appeared, bearing a beautiful, golden gear. The creature said nothing as the girl approached...and snatched what she thought was another gift."

"The horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters. Terror filled the girl's heart as a wild wind rose about the beasts. Suddenly, a witch appeared--dark yet regal. "Gifts we gave but more you took." she snarled. "So more, in turn, is due." In a blink, the girl was trapped inside a mirror." '(Y/N)' read from an old local tale.

'You' decided to read the story to your six-month-old baby girl to get her to sleep, shockingly enough she did and despite Ethan's protests about it being too damn scary for her at her age 'you' brushed it off and tried to change the subject. But when Ethan had brought up what had happened in the past but 'you' quickly snapped at him.

That alone shocked Ethan because you'd never snap like this to him before but it had become a constant thing now ever since, it wasn't as much as before when Rose was born but now it had gotten worse...Ethan still remembers the state you were in when relocated to a new home a few weeks after being saved.

Being held captive for so long took its toll and at first, Ethan wasn't sure how to deal with it or how to help. But over time things slowly began to get better though he hoped that you'd be at least a bit more open with him though the doctors did tell him it would take time for you to do so.

Even if it had been three years since it all happened.

However not to wake Rose up 'you' gently handed her over to Ethan to put her to bed while 'you' finished up on dinner. Smiling at her 'you' walked off as Ethan watched 'you' head back to the kitchen while whispering a few words to Rose but recounted when 'you' asked if he said anything.

First, he walked around the house smiling at the picture that was on either the wall or the shelves, his favourites were of you who was still pregnant with Rose as well as some of the ones when your baby girl was still a newborn and most of all the family photo that was perched up above the fireplace. He made a comment on how Rose's birthday was coming up soon and 'you' commented back stating how kids grow up so fast but the both of you should enjoy this for as long as you could.

Finally walking up the stairs Ethan only took a few steps before Rose began to fuss a bit though was quickly comforted and put back to sleep as Ethan calmed her down gently. Once she was asleep once more he continued up the stairs and decided to play a little music box for her to further help her sleep.

"Your mom and I love this song so much, we danced to this on our wedding day and sometimes at random. Your mother is such an amazing, strong and brave woman. We're both so lucky to have her." Ethan whispered gently to Rose.

Ethan chuckled to himself as he rocked Rose gently as he moved from side to side, this seemed to put her to sleep as she remained calm. When he reached their shared room Ethan gently placed little Rose in her crib to get some well-needed sleep.

"There you go, sweetheart. Don't you worry, I'll be right downstairs. Daddy won't let those weird fairy tail monsters get you." Ethan whispered to her as he turned on the baby monitor.

Turning around he first went inside the other room and checked up on his computer there on the desk which had opened one of his recent journal entries about what had all happened, sighing he then first decided to look into the picture book that you had been working on for a while now and since most of the pictures were of you and Rose (since Ethan took every picture) it was more for him than anything else and he loved every moment of it.

"I wish it could stay like this forever," Ethan muttered to himself.

Not wanting to have 'you' wait considering you do get scared when you are angry Ethan decided to finally leave the room and head back downstairs where dinner should be nearly finished by now. And it was once he had joined 'you' in the kitchen. Small chattered of how Rose was gone by quickly along with the food smelling rather good so when he reached over 'you' smacked his hand away with the ladle.

Ethan commented on how after all these years the three of you lived here you went a bit full native, there was also wine there as well so just as 'you' grabbed the wine bottle he grabbed the glasses and followed 'you' to the table where 'you' began to pour the right amount of wine in both glasses for the both of you.

"You really have to stop worrying." 'You' told him.
"It's just...Finding you in Louisiana, the pregnancy, Chris moving us here, military training with you--it all happened so fast, you know?" Ethan replied.
"Well, at least we're all together. You, me, Rose. Now everything's going to be-" 'You' started but was interrupted.
"Seriously? You think we can just forget about what happened in Louisiana?" Ethan asked.
"It happened so long ago, I just--I don't understand why you are so--" 'You' began to reply but was interrupted when 'you' had gotten shot in the shoulder.

Ethan gasped at this and then looked towards the window where it came from, he told 'you' to get down but just moments after loads of more bullets began to rain through the windows and some even hit 'you'. Ethan managed to get down in time to avoid getting shot but 'you' didn't have much luck as just as quick the bullets came they stopped and 'you' were laying on the ground gravely hurt.

"(Y/N). Oh god..." Ethan said horrified.

Hearing footsteps Ethan turned his gaze forwards and noticed the feet of someone who had entered his home, though when they shoved the table aside it was revealed to be Chris Redfield himself...what? How? Why?! Wasn't he a friend of yours?! So then why would he gun you down like this!? Just what the fuck was happening?!

"Chris...!? What the hell!?" Ethan yelled.
"Sorry, Ethan." Chris replied before raising his gun and shooting 'you' about five more times.
"No!" Ethan shouted reaching out.

Ethan was horrified when he saw 'your' body no longer moving, 'your' chest wasn't rising up and down to indicate breathing.

"What? Why!?" Ethan asked.

More people broke into his home with their guns trained on him, when he looked back at Chris the man was standing there staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face. A few minutes later though he was forced to the front by one of the men Chris had brought along with them.

However when he heard Rose's cries he ran forwards but when Rose was given to Chris to hold, Ethan had demanded that Chris give her to him but Chris refused he must've given a signal to one of his men since the next thing Ethan knew he was hit in the head with the but of a gun and had fallen to the ground.

"Rose..." Ethan muttered as he reached out for her but his strenght left his body.
"Get him out of here," Chris ordered one of his men.

And with that, as he was being dragged out of his once peaceful home everything slowly began to go black for Ethan for the time being.

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