Chapter 10 : Dinner On Us

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"On behalf of the Eden Hall Warrior Varsity State Champion hockey team, I'd like to welcome the future state champs, the Eden Hall freshmen," stated Riley smugly. "Here, here."

Both teams began to cheer, raising and clinking their glasses, "Here, here." Indiana was shocked as even Charlie seemed to be enjoying himself and joining in. Indiana decided to let down her guard for a moment-- if Charlie could embrace this new lifestyle and bond, so should she.

"We're just glad you loaned us Banksie and Indiana so that we'd have a chance to beat you guys in the annual Freshmen-Varsity Showdown," Rick patted Adam on the back. Instead of looking up, Adam stared straight into his dish, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Adam, are you okay? You have barely said a thing all night?" Indiana asked the boy who maintained eye contact with the dish.

"Yeah, Indiana. I'm fine," Adam deadpanned, followed by a sigh. Indiana decided to leave it alone-- maybe he just wasn't feeling social tonight.

"Now, nobody move. We've got one last surprise. Fellas?" The varsity team stood up, most of them dawning smirks as they began to walk towards the doors. "Banksie, Indiana. C'mon."

Indiana looked from Julie to Adam, a confused look plastered across her face. "Where are we going?" She asked Adam, who just shook his head and held out his hand.

"Just come with me, I'll explain everything I promise," Adam whispered back. Allowing for her curiosity to get the best of her, Indiana stood from her seat and followed her boyfriend

"Where are they going?" Asked Julie.

"Don't worry. We'll be right back," stated Rick, continuing to guide the way for his teammates. Rick was the last to walk out the door, turning back to the junior varsity team to smile, somewhat sinisterly. Indiana took a moment to look back at her teammates sitting at the table. Some of them began to speculate on what the surprise could be. She overheard Guy whispering about a cake as the whole table began to laugh and talk excitedly. Indiana couldn't help but wonder if it actually was just a cake, and if she was simply overreacting. That was, until the group ended up outside the front doors and into their cars.

Adam, still grasping Indiana's hand, pulled her towards Scooter's car. "Adam, what is going on? Are we leaving?" Indiana asked her boyfriend who sighed.

"Yes, Indiana. We are leaving." Stated Adam, sighing and looking down at his shoes.

"What?" Indiana questioned, raising her voice. "Are we leaving them with the bill? Is this some sort of sick joke?"

Adam shook his head, not wanting to continue to be scowled at by his girlfriend, "It's in return for their prank against varsity, Indiana." After this, he pulled her close to him so that he could whisper, "I don't want to do this either, but I have to. This is my team."

Indiana widened her eyes to look at the boy standing in front of her, "And just a few months ago," Indiana pointed at the restaurant. "That was your team. That is still my team." She couldn't believe that the boy in front of her was actually Adam Banks. She didn't want to believe that he was capable of doing something to friends that he had practically grown up with.

"I'm sorry, Indiana. I have to stay with the varsity team, my future depends on it." Adam sighed, releasing his hand from Indiana's. "Are you coming or not?"

Indiana just shook her head, "Not." With that, the girl spun on her heels and walked back towards the doors. Rick had begun backing up his car, smirking as he watched the girl.

"Going to save your little Duck friends?" Rick asked after rolling down the window.

"At least I have friends, Rick." Said the girl, completely furious.

"Yeah, whatever. You were never cut out for this team, anyway. Enjoy junior varsity," Rick smirked at her. "Oh, and the bill. Thanks for dinner!" Rick rolled up his window, speeding past the girl in his car. Indiana walked back to the room that they had reserved for the night, a frown resting on her face.

By the time she got back in, the cake had been presented to the junior varsity team, "Thanks for dinner, losers," Goldberg read off of the gigantic, three tier cake that had sparklers inching out the sides. Charlie and Indiana made eye contact after he was presented with the bill, reading it slowly. The boys eyes widened as he read the amount. "Oh, man, eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars?"

"Eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars?" Averman repeated, mouth hung open in shock.

"Where are we gonna get that kind of cash?" Goldberg asked. Indiana instructed the group to put together all of their money. Thinking that they were getting a free meal, only a few of them had cash on them.

"We have two options," Indiana whispered to Charlie. "We run, or we work it off." Charlie nodded in response. The two of them knew that the proper thing to do would be to work their bill off. Indiana turned to the waiter, explaining the predicament. The waiter quickly walked out, grabbing his manager. After explaining the situation to them, the manager agreed to allow the junior varsity team to work in the dishroom.

"You've really got to pick up the pace," stated Julie, who pushed a bin full of dishes towards Dwayne.

Dwayne struggled to grab the bin and wash them at the same time, "I'm trying to pick it up." In response, Indiana began to help the boy who had clearly been struggling. Indiana was working her hardest to make sure she didn't end up where Connie and Golberg were-- the mens washroom.

"We got to respond," stated Charlie, causing Indiana to roll her eyes. Responding is what caused this in the first place.

"Physics. Each action requires an equal, if not bigger, reaction," explained Averman.

"Hey, man, be cool. I don't want to mess up my scholarship," stated Russ, earning an 'are you serious' look from Charlie and Averman. "I mean, let's not get caught." And with that, the planning and scheming began. 

A/N: you know what to do <3

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