Chapter 1: Coincidence or Destiny?

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My world is silence.

The colors are clear and vibrant, but everything is silent.

Quiet is all I know.

I've heard no words nor listened to any songs, not that I can remember.

The world is silence.

My world is silence.

Or, at least, it was.


It was just like any other day, the wind was blowing through my hair as the sun shone on my face. I smiled at the people around me, waving occasionally, hoping that no one would be met with an empty reply if they greeted me after I passed. I continued down the road for a while, as normal, that is until I came upon a very unusual sight. 

Gathered around the museum of Science and Discovery, the very place I was headed, was a rather large crowd. It seemed to me that there were several reporters in the crowd, seeing as I spotted several flashing lights. I imagined what a racket the group must have been making before I quickly chided myself and moved to get a better look. I turned into the nearest alley and climbed the fire escape until I had a good view of the gathering. At first, all I could see were swarms of reporters and random people, then I began to make out the outline of a black limousine. Even more curious than before, I strained to see who got out. I nearly fell off the railing I had perched on when I finally got a glimpse of his face.

Tony Stark.

Tony Stark was at the science museum.

Provided, he did fund most everything in the museum, but still! THE Tony Stark was here, in Queens, not a hundred yards from where I was sitting! I must have sat there for at least ten minutes, staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the spot I saw THE Tony Stark.

When I finally came to my senses I saw that the crowd had moved up the steps and was listening to Dr. Stark, as he was undoubtedly giving some sort of award-winning speech. I started to wonder what his voice sounded like. I tried to imagine being able to listen to his speech. "I AM IRONMAN" swam through my head. I turned it over in my mind, trying to find the right sound to go with it, but it was a bit hard to picture when I didn't know what sound sounded like. I watched his mouth move and wished I could hear him. 

I caught myself. I didn't want to go down that road, not again. I was proud of who I was. I let out a puff of air. A silent puff of air, to me at least. This was my life, and I knew I couldn't change it.

I waited until the group moved into the building before I climbed down the fire escape and nervously approached the museum.

It had always been a dream of mine to meet Tony Stark, or Bruce Banner, the two smartest men of this generation. I had read all of their works and hoped that one day I could change the world as they did. Though, now that I was only a block away from him, I found that I was absolutely terrified.

Deciding against wading through the sea of people, I headed for the side door and slipped skillfully into the museum. Even though I had been there a million times, it still took my breath away. The high ceilings and calm, deep blue lights made me feel like I was underwater. Displays of various scientists, inventions, and scientific breakthroughs dominated most of the floor, each one boasting a rich history of scientific and creative struggle. I took a moment to take it all in.

Silent HeroesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant