Chapter 1

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"Remember to have your parents sign the form and send it back if you're planning to go on the Paris trip, Thursday is the last day to hand in your forms," Mr Ajayi said as the students exited the classroom.

The Paris trip was coming up and Mr. Ajayi would be accompanying Mr. Farouq in being responsible for the students. So far, only 15 of the students who've said they were going have submitted their signed forms and they were still waiting on 25 students.

"That's only two days away!" He shouted down the hall as the students ignored him.

Charlie was walking down the hall, on his way to his next class with Tao, they had math.

"They even walk gay," was a comment that could be heard in the halls.

Tao looked to see Harry who was laughing alongside some of the rugby lads.
"At least we can walk, wouldn't say the same about your mom after last night," Tao shot back at Harry.

"Tao, leave it, let's go," Charlie whispered, pulling at his friend's arm.

"Listen to your boyfriend, there's no need to get all angry," Harry laughed.

"And there's no need for your use of homophobic remarks, yet here we are," Tao crossed his arms, unamused.

"It's just banter, no need to get all worked up over it, mate," Harry quipped.

"Oh, well if it's 'just banter, mate'," Tao mocked.

"Tao, let's go," Charlie urged.

Tao complied and let Charlie drag him away from Harry before things could get too heated.

"I should really start carrying around some anti homophobia cheese," Tao muttered.

"Anti homophobia cheese?" Charlie repeated back.

"Yeah, to throw at the homophobes," Tao explained, "that's what Darcy does, seems to work well,"

Charlie laughed at his friend as they arrived at math and went to sit down beside Isaac.

"Hi Isaac," Charlie spoke as Isaac looked up from his book.

"Hello Charlie," He greeted before turning back to his book.

"I don't even get a 'Hello'?" Tao asked, looking offended.

"Hello Tao," Isaac said, not looking up from his book until the teacher began to speak.


At lunch, Charlie met up with Nick in the halls before they walked to the art room together to eat.

"You're going on the Paris trip , right?" Asked Charlie.

"Yeah, my brother's still staying at home so a week in Paris sounds more appealing," Nick explained. "Plus, I get to spend a week in Paris with my boyfriend," he added.

"Elle, Tao, Issac, Darcy and Tara are all going too, so it should be fun," Charlie smiled.

They reached the art room just as Mr. Ajayi was about to leave.

He sighed, "Make sure not to leave any crumbs, I just fixed the ant problem," He reminded them before leaving for the staff room.

"We won't," Charlie assured before settling in his usual corner, Nick following his lead.

"Have you any idea what you're going to pack?" Charlie asked.
"I was just planning on following the packing list we were given," Nick shrugged.

"Yeah but I still feel like I'm forgetting things," Charlie complained, opening his lunch.

"I could come over and help you pack if you'd like?" Nick offered, taking a bite of his turkey sandwich.

"That would be appreciated,"


After school, Nick met Charlie at his house where they hung out in Charlie's room.

"You know, we still have a week till we leave, we could leave packing until a later date, want to play Mario kart?" Nick asked.

"But if I don't pack now it's going to be stressing me out all week!" Charlie flopped down onto his bed.

"We hang out almost everyday after school, year elevens finish Thursday so I'm free whenever to help you," Nick pointed out, "but right now, you should let me beat you at Mario kart,"

"There's no way I'm letting you win," Charlie said playfully.

"Oh come on, you always win!" Exclaimed the golden retriever look-alike.

"Not when I play against Ollie, maybe you're just really bad at it,"

"I am not bad at Mario Kart, you're just really good, you're really good at everything," Nick rolled hisbeyes in a playful manner.

"I am not, Nick Nelson; the rugby king!" Charlie exaggerated.

"You are though, you proper nerd,"

"Hey! You know what, maybe one day I'll steal that title from you,''he teased.

"I have full faith that you could,"

There was a knock at the bedroom door before Tori opened it, "The walls are paper thin," She spoke with a bored expression on her face.

"Is that your way of asking us to keep it down?" Asked Nick.

"Yes," She said before sipping her diet lemonade.

"Sorry Tori," Charlie apologized.

"Right, what are you two up two?" She asked.

"We were just about to play Mario Kart," Nick explained.

"Mh, Ollie's going to want to join," Tori warned before turning around and heading back to her room.

"Tori, door," Charlie called after her as she had left the door wide open.

"Mom said you two were supposed to keep the door open," She replied back, making Charlie have to get up to close the door on his own

Nick and Charlie spent the rest of the evening playing Mario Kart, talking and making out a bit before Nick had to leave, unfortunately he was still forbidden to sleep over.

Charlie was still worried about forgetting to pack something but Nick would be back over to help him and to make sure he wouldn't forget a thing. In the meantime, Charlie made a mental note of each item he had to pack; 7 days worth of Clothes plus Nick's jumper that he had stolen, -even though he could probably steal another from him on the trip-, toiletries, phone charger... the list went on and on.

What if he needed pepper spray? He didn't know why he would need pepper spray, he doesn't know where to get pepper spray but what if he finds himself in a situation where it's necessary? What if he gets harassed by some random Frenchman?

Was pepper spray even legal to carry? After a quick Google search, Charlie discovered that it was indeed not legal to carry pepper spray but hairspray is a good alternative and will not be classified as a firearm like the other would. Maybe he wouldn't need pepper spray or a substitute, he had Nick.

All this worrying got Charlie researching what he should be worried about in Paris, apparently pickpocketing and scammers, maybe he would need pepper spray.

Charlie got barely any sleep that night, Paris seemed more intimidating than he had originally thought.

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