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TW: MENTIONS of blood and death Look for these ~ to find out when it starts and stops. 

Peters Pov:

Miss Nat and I had a really good day. She took me to some really good cafe and then we went out and walked. We also went shopping and I got some new clothes which I really needed. She had insisted on walking me home and since she scares me I agreed. 

"Bye Miss Nat! I had a really fun day with you!" I smiled as I waved to her before walking into the apartment. 


As soon as I walk in my senses go haywire and I smell a foul and metallic scent. I brush it off and start walking to my room. The smell kept getting stronger and stronger. 

"May? Are you home?" I called out for my aunt. I waited a few seconds but got no response so I tried again. 

"May please stop playing with me I know your home." At this point I couldn't stop the tears from falling out of my eyes. I decided to go to her room and see if she was just sleeping. I knock on the door before opening it. I walked halfway in only to stop and freeze up. There was blood all over the walls and bed sheets. My heartbeat quickened as I continued to search for her. Then I saw her. Laying in a pool of her own blood eyes rolled back into her head and a hole going through her heart. I screamed and ran over to her not caring that I was getting blood all over me. 

"MAY, MAY PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP I NEED YOU!" I pleaded and pulled her closer to me tears running down my face. I checked her for a pulse only to find their wasn't one. 

"May I am so sorry" My voice cracked. I couldn't help but think it was my fault. She found out I was Spider man because I was reckless. I couldn't protect her. She was the only one I had. I didnt want to go to foster care. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didnt notice the sirens and people coming to our lonely apartment. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was being pulled away from May. 

"NO PLEASE NO" My throat was dry but I still screamed. I couldn't lose her. I got out of the persons grip easily. I ran to the door only to be pulled back once again. My vision was becoming filled with black spots as I sat down sobbing. I only remember seeing Nat run over to me and pulling in a hug. 

"Your okay  детеныш паука I have you I wont let you go" she whispered into my ear before I passed out. 

Nats Pov: 

After I walked Peter home I decided to walk around queens a bit. I needed to clear my head from what happened earlier. After a few minutes of walking I heard sirens and I had a feeling that someone thing was wrong. I decided to turn back and see what was happening. The sirens and lights stopped only a couple of streets away where I had dropped Peter off. I ran over trying to get in before I was stopped. 

"Sorry ma'am at this time only police are allowed in here." I glared at the policeman who stopped me. 

"Tell me what happened" It wasn't a question it was more of a demand. Knowing that my  детеныш паука could be hurt terrified me.  

"Sorry ma'am were not all-" he was cut off by the chief who walked over to us. 

"Mrs. Romanoff what are you doing here today?" I looked at him taking his hand he had extended before replying. 

"I dropped a friend of mine off and was clearing my hear when I saw that you were here I thought maybe something happened to him." I caught a small hint of worry in my voice but pushed it aside. 

The Chief nodded and lead me to a room. I gagged from the smell that was stinging my nose. I continued walking before I heard Peter screaming. I felt my hear shatter and I sprinted to the room. Blood covered the walls and their was a trail of blood leading to a room.  I saw Peter get out to the polices grip and run over to the door only to be stopped. I watched as he gave up and fell down against the wall sobbing. He was covered in blood his brown hair was stuck together and darker than usual. I ran (ive said ran to many times) over to him pulling him close. I could get myself new clothes latter right now I needed to make sure he was okay.  As I pulled him closer he seemed to relax into my arms. 

"Your okay детеныш паука I have you I wont let you go" I whispered into his ear before he passed out.


Peters pov:

My eyelids fluttered open as I looked around the room. I wasn't in my apartment anymore. I was in the med bay at stark towers. I spotted Miss Nat talking to Mr. Banner, I sat up taking in the room again. The walls were white and were filled with whiteboards, equipment and some posters. Then I noticed the IV in my arm and that's when I freaked out. Ever sense I was little I've HATED anything that had a needle. Without thinking I yanked it out of my arm, I didn't realize that I started to hyperventilate causing Miss Nat and Mr. Banner to notice that I was awake. 

"Peter, Peter!" I focused on the voice which I recognized as Miss Nat's. "Pete I need you to calm down" I shook my head and tried to look at her. "Focus on my breathing Pete" I started to focus on her breathing which started to calm me down. 

After a little bit of time I calmed down and focused on her breathing making mine even with hers. I look up at her and gave her a slight smile. "Thank you miss Nat" She just pulls me in for a hug which I accept. 

"детеныш паука?" I pulled back from the hug and looked at her. "I will always be here for you I hope you understand that" I smile and nod before laying down and closing my eyes. 

At least someone cares about me. 

1078 words without this and the A/N

Hey im back and this story is already making me cry and im writing it. Also this is a silver spider story but Pietro will be around the same age as Peter and will go to the same school as him. 

Also im going to do a wrong number story which will most likely have more chapters than this because well it will be a texting story with some interaction. Im thinking maybe Parkner for that story. Anyways I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night :)


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