Chapter 1: first day of school

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~{Briana's POV}~~~~~~
As me, my brother and sister pulled up at the school, something told me to put my hood on and go strait inside and grab my new schedule.
I don't know most of the students, some look new, some look old. And some look........... off. Pacifically, not enough sleep at night. Or more so like they have a lot going on at home. As I'm walking I stop next to Mia and her friends.

Briana: hey um, who are they?
Mia: oh, them? They are the callic's. Mr.callic's and mrs. callic's foster children, their all adopted.
Mia: you see the curly hair girl, that's jazmine. And the black haired boy, that's Brice. They're kinda a thing. The curly brown hair boy is Dustin, and the pink hair girl is valley. They are a thing too. And the blond one, that's Harper. The white hair one is coda, and those two, are darci and Aron.
Briana: and that one behind them?
Mia: that's Marcus. He is a real hottie but apparently knows one here is good enough for him.

 He is a real hottie but apparently knows one here is good enough for him

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(This is Marcus, forgot to add him to the list🖤🤍)
(Back to the story)

Briana's POV:

Marcus was beautiful. Too beautiful to be real......or human at that. like something out of a fairy tale. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. But then something else caught my attention.   BANG!!!!!!!
Ben: GET OFF ME!!!!
jack: NO PUNK!! You think you can just pull up in that trash car and jet everything handed to you!?!?
Briana: HEY!!!
These guys just started beating up my brother! But befor I could do anything a teacher was already pulling them away from each other.
Teacher: that's enough boys! That's Enough! Now get to class.
Briana: are you ok?!
Ben: yea, I'm good. Hey,  why's that weird kid over there staring at you?
Briana: wait what?
I turned to look and I see Marcus looking at me from across campus near their car. We where eye to eye. He was staring at me and I was looking back.

Our eyes were locked, his where a beautiful emerald green, while mine where a deep chocolate brown. He stayed focused on my eyes, like he saw something in them. I didn't want to look away but I couldn't look forever. And that bothers me. Soon enough though, someone broke the stare, it was valley, she pulled him towards the rest of the group who was walking away. After they started heading towards the school and after Mia rejoined us, we headed inside the school for first period.

This is my new book!! It inspired by twilight and will have some of those themes in it. So sit back and enjoy the book!! See ya in the next chapter!!🖤🧡🤍🖤🧡🤍🖤🧡🤍🖤🧡🤍🖤

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