"No, but I could put it on my to do list if you just let her go" Stiles says with fury.

Mr Argent sets me to the floor and throws me back into Stiles' arms, he grasps me tightly as I look back to Mr Argent who starts speaking to us again "Well I have, and the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine, turn on a full moon, do you want to know what happened?"

"Not really" I whisper out before Stiles can answer. I look over my shoulder to see Jackson in near tears, this is not how tonight should of happened.

"No offence to your story telling skills" Stiles mumbles out.

"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to pull a bullet in his head" Mr Argent says while walking over to us, pushing Stiles on the forehead when he says Bullet causing me to whimper in fear. I push my body more into Stiles "The whole while he laid there dying, he was still trying to claw his way towards me, still trying to kill me like it was the most important thing he could do before his last breath, can you imagine that?" Mr Argent asks Stiles and I, I stand up next to Stiles, both of our eyes becoming slightly glassy, thinking about how many times Scott's almost killed Stiles and I.

"No, but it sounds like you need to be" Stiles didn't even get to finish before he was dragged over to the wall I was placed before and held there, Mr Argent hitting the wall around him causing me to yelp and jump forward but then grabbed by one of the men "Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon, did you have to lock him up!" Mr Argent shouts at my boyfriend, who's chest is moving up and down in slight panic.

"Yes we did!" I shouted out in a small cry.

"I had to hand cuff him to a radiator why!" Stiles asks annoyed.

"Would you prefer if I locked him down in a basement and set the whole place on fire!" I spit out in a venomous tone, cocking my head to the side while Mr Argent turns to look at me, letting his grip on Stiles' lose.

Mr Argent smiles sickly, pointing his figure at Stiles then to myself, looking around and stepping away from Stiles' body "I hate to dispel a popular rumour Clara, but we never did that"

"Right, Derek said you guys had a code, I guess no one ever breaks it" Stiles says, trying to make Mr Argent realise something we figured out.

"Never" Mr Argent says, looking at the floor.

"What if someone does" I state, pushing the man off me and walking over to my boyfriend.

"Someone like who?" Mr Argent says, moving his head slightly up to hear what we have to say better.

"Someone like your sister" Stiles and I both say simply, Mr Argent looks at us, as if he already knew we were right.

"Well If this is done, can I leave now!" I state, Mr Argent moves aside and I open the lock and move into the hallway. I need to fly there; I can't waste time in the car Jackson will let us drive.

"Clara stop! Where are you going?" Stiles says, running after me, grabbing onto my arm and forcing me to look back at him, his eyes laced with worry, Jackson walks up behind him.

"I need to fly there Stiles, I can't go in the car, flying for me will be faster, I need to help them Stiles" I say looking at him, emotionless. Stiles just looks at me and then lets me go, nodding his head. I kiss his forehead and then run out of the hospital. Thinking to myself "Be the fire phoenix, be the fire phoenix" and I feel my body become fire and my body turns into the fire phoenix like it did so many days ago when Scott lost his shit in the jeep and I woke up naked in the forest. Flying over Beacon Hills, I flap my wings and go straight towards the Hale House, finally seeing Scott and Derek. I slow down my flight speed and go lower to the ground, but that's when I see Allison holding a bow and arrow and Kate Argent standing behind her, ready to let Allison shoot an Arrow. "DEREK!" I shout as I watch the arrow fly into his upper body and he falls to the ground, Derek is then hit in the thigh and falls again to the ground as he tried to get up. Suddenly another arrow flies into the air, missing Scott but hits the tree behind him, causing a shot of light to blind the werewolves eyes. I land in a nearby tree, waiting for the right time to help.

Child Of Fire ➵ Stilinski {Book 1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora