2. Development

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"How do I become as strong as you?"

This is what I asked Rengoku. He didn't answer me for a while and all that was heard were his steps crunch in the snow.

I hid my face in his white robe to protect it from the freezing cold. "Yn...Strength lies in your heart and soul. You just need to set this strength free.". I frowned and hummed agreeing. I thought about his words for a while "can...a girl also become a demon slayer?" He just nodded.

I waited a little bit before asking "How can I repay you for tonight?" He stopped in his tracks. "I...have no money to pay you and I need to give you something back for your duty. You saved my life after all...". He carefully put me down and I shifted my weight on my not injured leg.

He turned to me and bent on one knee to meet my eyes. "Yn being a demon slayer is a very dangerous job and it forces you to take many risks. I am a Hashira to protect the ones who can't protect themselves. So if I manage to do this - saving someone who couldn't save themselves- then I did my job right and that's all I need as a payment: you being alive." I nodded at his wise words in awe.

"I...I want to protect people too! I want to be strong and fight demons! I..I want to protect people who are like me right now! I-i-" stray Tears started rolling down my cold face "I need a purpose to be alive after all! Your work shouldn't be for nothing! So please teach me" I bowed down on the ground. Snow hitting my face and forearms, but the cold wasn't bothering me anymore. I bowed and begged the elder to teach me becoming a demon slayer.

He pulled me up with an angry look on his face "you will catch a cold! Stop that nonsense! I will teach you when you're in better condition. But for now I will bring you to my wife to recover and after that...I will train you if that's what you want." I nodded and clutched his hand in mine "I want to! I want to become like you Rengoku-sama!". He smiled a little bit and nodded. He picked me back up and started walking towards his destination.

This was the first time in years I had a Motivation to go on, this was my chance to escape this loop.

The noise of his crunching footsteps in the deep snow and wolves howling sounded almost like a lullaby. Or maybe I was just very exhausted from the events this night and that's why I fell asleep shortly after we continued our travel.



I woke up to a strange feeling, feeling like being watched. My eyes opened slowly and I met yellow eyes staring right back at me making me screech in surprise. The younger boy sitting next to my Futon screamed back at me in surprise. "Why are you yelling?!" I asked him "b-because you yelled at me!" "Yeah you scared me! Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on people?" He blinked a few times and then bowed in apology "I am sorry. I wanted to check on you." I frowned and then remembered where I am - the Rengoku residence. I nodded "thank you for looking after me...my name is y/n" I held my hand out and he carefully shook it "Senjuro Rengoku". I smiled brightly at the young boy "You are Rengoku-samas son! The one becoming a swordsman!" He flinched and nodded "y-yes. Father talked about me?" I nodded "he told me about you and your brother...Kyojuro.". The little boys face lit up and nodded proudly "yes! Unfortunately you missed Kyojuro...he is already gone for his selection. He left early this morning .." I nodded "ah...too bad. I look forward meeting him soon." He stood back up and nodded "father is out too for missions...do you want breakfast perhaps?" I nodded slightly "that would be nice. Are you...on your own?" He flinched at my question. "I know your mother is sick and if the others are out then you must have to do all the chores and work on your own, right?" I asked him carefully, trying to show sympathy. He just nodded with now sad eyes.

I hummed and got up carefully "how about I help you? I owe your family a lot...that's the least I can do! I will help you with the chores and cooking and when we are finished we can...I don't know...do something that you like? Together it's quicker and is more fun!". His face literally lit up at my words and he nodded enthusiastic.

"Okay! I will lend you something from brother...it is boys clothes but the closest to your size...wait here!"


After that me and Senjuro cleaned up the house together, due my leg injury I wasn't a big help but he insisted that alone my company helped him a lot. After we cleaned all the rooms and made food he brought it to his mother. I waited outside and looked up to the sun, it felt comfortingly warm even in the Winter time.

"Okay we are done for today! What you wanna do yn-chan?" I turned my head and met Senjuros eyes "let's train our sword skills...".


From that day on, itt was like this every day. Me and Senjuro first did all his chores and then he showed me what his father had teached him by now. It wasn't much that he could teach me but he had way more knowledge than me. The only difference was, today would Rengoku-sama return home and then he'd train me!

So me and Senjuro had a 1 to 1 sword battle and he gasped when I hit his sword out of his hand "YN-CHAN! You're too fierce! Be gentle on me" he pouted and a loud voice from behind nudged him "there's no being gentle when fighting a demon, Son." And both of us gasped. "Rengoku-sama welcome home" I bowed towards the elder and he smiled slightly "I see your leg has gotten well?" I nodded "yes. Senjuro took good care of me and even practiced with me. In exchange I helped him with his chores".

He nodded and took his sword out himself. "That sounds good but your posture is awful. Here - stand like this" he positioned himself and I followed his lead.

In the following years he teached me how to hold my sword properly, how to dodge attacks and how to do combat. He also teached me everything about the famous breathing techniques! Unfortunately Senjuro could not learn them. I tried cheering him up by helping him train in our free time but it was obvious that I had more luck and talent with the sword than him.

He on the other hand told me he was absolutely fine with the knowledge and that he was confident on learning them soon.

But deep down I knew, he gave up when his mother died. Both did.

Ruka Rengoku was really sick from the beginning and unfortunately lost the battle against her illness. That day was a very depressing one.

Dark clouds and rain filled the sky and the once so loud house became so quiet suddenly.

It was like the rain put out the fire in their hearts.

Rengoku-sama laid down his demon slayer duty and Kyojuro left immediately after. I met him only twice, when he came back from the selection waiting for his sword and on her funeral, he didn't cry. He didnt shed a tear but he hugged the crying Senjuro the entire time, comforting his younger brother and glanced a few times at me.

Rengoku-sama changed completely after this day.

Since that day he didn't pick up his sword once, he replaced the sword in his hands with sake and we didn't see him anymore, at least only when he needed more sake or when Senjuro brought him food. He didn't teach us anymore and Senjuro completely gave up on his father. But I couldn't...

I was more determined than the younger one so I took all my courage together and decided to join the demon slayer selection. An exam for young swordsman who want to become demon slayers to proof themselves as worthy. Senjuro tried to talk me into staying but I owed it to Rengoku. I promised to be a swordsman like him! So I prepared myself for that exam....

I trained night and day, killed smaller demons harassing our village and even got myself a new Nirichi blade, the only blade that can kill a demon next to the sun light, after all the hard work it was only natural for me to pass the exam.

That was now 4 years ago.

Today I am a demon slayer on my way to my next mission.

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