Part 1: The Stump...

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"Dinner's ready!" Wild called to the group to the general sound of cheers. Each man set down their respective tasks to make their way to the cookpot drawn by the heavenly smell of a spicy paella. Legend dropped his sewing project into his bag and stood up with a stretch, cracking his back. He grinned at Four who hadn't heard the cook and was still deeply engrossed in sharpening his sword. The smithy was lost in his own world. He hummed to himself as he smoothly ran the stone along the edge of the blade with a practiced grace, eyes half-lidded in a daydream. The vet coughed softly and kicked the smaller man's boot to get his attention. Four looked up surprised and lifted the stone from his blade.

He looked up at Legend with an expectant expression, his usually grey eyes swirled a pinwheel of colors settling on a lovely depthless violet. "Yes?"

The veteran snickered. "Chow-time Smithy." He nodded towards the cooking pot where Wild was dishing out big bowlfuls to the small, gathered group. Wind and Sky were already eating with gusto before they had even sat down.

Four nodded, his eyes swirled again resettling on their default; deep, thoughtful steel-grey. He carefully set aside his sword and stood, dusting off his tunic. He looked around to see where everyone was sitting, hoping against hope to secure a spot next to you when he noticed that you were not among the gathered group. He stood on his tiptoes to scout the area and made a small circle like this craning his neck. Aha! He spied you under a shady tree on the edge of camp with your back to the group. He cocked his head to the side, puzzled, and started to walk over to you.

You were crouched next to a tree stump with your Instax camera trained on a small pile of m&ms you had placed on a flat rock at a crack near the bottom of the stump. You held perfectly still and seemed deeply focused. He calls your name but receives no answer. He clears his throat. Suddenly you start and whirl around, eyes wild, accidentally snapping a picture of him in the process.

"Dinner's-" he began,

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" You shout, cutting him off and then immediately look embarrassed.

"I-....what?" Four looks at you, baffled, trying to recover from the sudden flash. He clears his throat again. He points back over his shoulder back at the camp, eyes swirling a vivid crimson. "I was just.. Just saying that the food is ready...are you...ok?"

You, cough, turning red. " sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I just. I SWEAR, I'm not crazy. but I gotta do something first. I'll come eat later. Save me a bowl, ok?". You run a hand through your hair and offer what you hope is a winning smile.

It is... to Four at least. He feels a heat creeping up his cheeks and looks down out of habit, spying the developing photo sticking out of your camera.

" that for?" He asks carefully, eyes tinting blue. He nods to the camera with his nose.

You lean in towards his face in a way that makes his poor heart beat faster. He finds himself leaning in too, in spite of himself. "I SAW something..." You say in a low, conspiratorial tone.

His eyes widen.. Impossible.

"What... Did you see?" His eyes a cascading rainbow, uncertain. Surely it's not what he's thinking.

You shrug and your face falls in a way that tugs at his heart. "I..I'm not sure. Some king of 'fairy-bug'? I think. I don't know It had a teeeeeny tiny red hat!" You make a sizing motion with your fingers indicating how absurdly small it was. "I've been trying to coax it out of that stump with candy for almost an hour. But... " You trail off and look back at the stump with a sad wistful expression. "Maybe it doesn't like candy. Or maybe it's just scared. I just want a picture of it, you know?"

He feels a silly grin spreading on his face. You can see them too. He feels a plot forming in his mind and reaches for your hand with an uncharacteristic burst of confidence. It is soft and warm in his. He feels that oh-so-familiar heat creep up into his cheeks again but ignores it. He leans into your ear and whispers that he May have an idea but it will have to wait for tonight.. You look at him with a question plain on your face. Before you open your mouth to speak he interrupts.

"Do you trust me?" He asks earnestly, eyes locked on yours, colors shifting.

You don't even hesitate. You squeeze his hand. "Yes... Link, of Course."

He's buoyed by the use of his given name and grins at you squeezing back.

"Good. We'll meet at this stump after my watch tonight. Around midnight.. Don't worry about anything until then.. ok?"

You grimace. Midnight... That's a tall order. You LIKE your sleep, but.. for that picture...?

You look into his hopeful, earnest eyes. For Four? How could you say no?

"Yes. Let's do it."

He beams and begins to tow you back to camp by the hand. He has a slight skip to his step and seems over the moon. You sigh, shaking your head, and follow him... You swear you'd do anything; walk barefoot through hell for this man if he asked... Not that you'd just tell him that.

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