🧡🖤Charlevi - Thunder🖤🧡

408 5 2

Request by: gaming_playszYT
Ship: Charli x Levi
Started: 19th May, 11:45pm
Finished: 20th May, just at Midnight-

Summary: Charli has a fear of Thunder and Levi comforts her :)
It was a wet, stormy night and Charli couldn't sleep. The sound of thunder terrified her. Sobs left her mouth

"Charli?" A voice groaned from the door frame.
"Levi..?" Charli shivered slightly.
"You alright? I heard someone crying."
"Y-Yeah! It's nothing..."
"You sure you're okay? You seem shaky."
"Honestly I'm fine!" She tried to reassure him but failed.

They stayed there in silence.
"Is it the Thunder?" Levi asked.
"..." Charli didn't respond.
"Need a hug?"
"Mhm..." She hummed.

Levi sat next to her and held her close.
"Thanks Levi..." She mumbled tiredly.
"Just go to sleep, I can stay if you need me to."
He didn't get a response.
"Charli?" He looked down at the smaller who was resting on his lap to hear soft snoring. "Night Charli..." He said softly as he fell asleep as well.

Well- I didn't know I was okay at writing fluff until today- btw sorry if it's a bit short! I didn't know what to do tbh-
206 words (including this part)

Have a nice day! Xx
-Midnight (She/They)

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