Chapter 4: Nasty Bump

Start from the beginning

Marcy stomps and violently flushes, "Guh- Sasha! That's- That's an inappropriate word! What I mean is your personal space! It's just privacy! You can't just show off your body to the public just like that!"

Sasha forcibly laughs, "Toads, that was a joke Marce!

Marcy pouts and held the strap of her bag right, "Then go to the bathroom then!"

Sasha scoffs and shakes her head, "Pfft! Who needs the bathroom for tying my hair?"

Sasha walks close, and hooks her finger around Marcy's chin, "Besides I have you like my mirror to my Waybright beauty!"

Marcy lowers Sasha's hand, raising her brow. "Okay! Fine, you won at the flirting game! And yeah, there's no error in your hair! Now, let's head to the destination!"

Marcy walks a few steps ahead of Sasha, Sasha is at a loss for her words. Gosh Marcy, you clueless nerd!

"Plus, Sash the flirting game is over!"

Sasha whispers to herself, smiling sincere "I know Mar-Mar."

-----Skip The Torture Of Stairs--------

Marcy happily hops and skips the brown floor tiles, Sasha is behind her like a parent, watching jovially the enthusiastic Marcy.

"Hey, Marce! Slow down!"

"Sash. Why would I slow down-"

Marcy trips and falls to the ground, Sasha pause, but Marcy slides to get up.

"I'm okay!"

Sasha pats away the dust from Marcy's clothes. "Don't want people to sniff the dust in your clothes." Sasha chuckles.

Marcy tilts her head, "What people?"

"Mar-Mar, turn around."

Marcy obeyed as Sasha advised. She wails, fangirls and speaks simultaneously. Her dream came true thanks to her best friend.

"GAH NO FROGGING WAY! It's the convention of Vagabondia Chronicles 2!! Sasha- how did you know?!"

"Duh, it's your thing. Anne thought about that, and I was the one who paid for the tickets."

"Newts, you didn't!"

"Mar-mar, we couldn't be here in the first place. But yes yes yes I did~"

Sasha hands out two VIP tickets to the host, while Marcy brings out her new journal. Only that time, Sasha notice it.

"Since when did you obtain a new one? Where're the old ones?" Sasha asks as she wears the VIP band and claps it on Marcy's right wrist.

"Eh, left it at home. I forgot there's a limited page from my previous journal. Welp bought another one! To write this spectacular moment!"

March starts to write and scribble every detail of the entrance image in her notebook. "This will be a great date- guh for girls out!"

Sasha did not mishear that, she was enlightened but only to be reminded that Marcy is into someone else, pushing those feelings aside, she will deal with it later. Marcy goes first! She thought.

"Well, then." Sasha raises her arm gesturing for a cling to her best friend. "Let's hop on the new adventure together?"

Marcy aggressively intertwines her arm to Sasha, "LETS GOOOO!"

The girls stroll around, taking snapshots with the cosplayers, meeting fresh people, and consuming time in live Q & A with other crews and casts of games, anime and cartoons. Heck, even meeting them in person, is a privilege for a VIP. Good for them! As they walk, Marcy's eyes glint which means something snagged her attention.

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