Chapter Nineteen

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I sighed and then held out my hand for her to shake. "Truce." She grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Let's seal it like we used to," she said.

I was confused at first, until she leaned in to kiss me. I pushed her off me. "No," I said.

"Excuse me?" she questioned.

"I said no," I said.

"Why not, sweetheart?" she asked, rubbing her hand on my cheek. I moved her hand off me.

"I don't need to reply to you dearie," I said.

"But don't you miss how things used to be?" she asked.

"Get out," I mumbled.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes and then disappeared.

I took in a deep breath in and placed my hands on the counter.

I had to go see Liana again. I had to make her remember me.


I was in the hospital again. I had brought her chipped cup with me.

"I know you don't remember," I said. "But just indulge me, please," said Rumple. As I gave it for her told hold, I said, "Be careful with it."

"It's a— It's a cup," she stated.

"Yeah," I said. "It's damaged."

"Just look at it. Focus. It's your talisman."

"It's a cup," she said again, looking at me.

"You dropped it, in my castle," I said. "You were afraid that you had angered me."

"Okay," she said, giving me the cup. "You need to go. And take your cup."

"No, no, no, no," I shook my head. "I charmed it. If you focus it, it will work. It's magic. Please darling," I said.

"Okay! Just go away!" she yelled. "Stop talking about magic and take your cup!"

"Just look at it, please!" I cried.

Then she threw it against the wall, making it smash into pieces. My heart dropped. I looked at her. "Just go." She was shaking. My poor Liana. "Just go away."

As tears started to form in my eyes, I nodded my head. "Okay. I'm sorry."

I then walked over to the broken cup and then walked passed it. It will never be the same again.


If I stay in town any longer, it's just going to drive me mad. Especially if she's not remembering me. So I decided to go to the Charming's apartment. I was hoping Emma would come with me to find my son.

I knocked on the door. I then opened the door, without an invitation. "Gold. We've all had a long night," said Emma, walking up to me.

"You remember that favor you owe me, Miss Swan?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she said.

"I'm cashing it in," said Rumple.

Charming then approached me, standing next to his daughter. "It's not a good..." started Emma.

"You do honor your agreements, don't you?" I questioned, pointing at her.

"I need to find someone, so we're leaving today. Pack a bag," I said.

"Leaving?" questioned Mary Margaret who was behind the counter.

"Where?" asked Henry.

"Wait, find someone..." said Emma. "Who?" she asked.

"My son," I replied. "And it has to be today because every minute I'm here is a minute closer to me killing hook. So it's really best for all concerned if I leave." I pointed my finger at Emma. "And you're going to come with me. Oh, and um we have a long history. So know this, and know it to be true. If any harm comes to Liana while I'm gone, I'm killing all of you." Emma hugged Henry and then I said, "I'll see you at noon."

I then left, leaving them all to my reckoning.

Evermore ~ RumplestiltskinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz