Personal & Professional

Start from the beginning

"Well, whatever it is you're doing, keep going, you two are perfect for each other." She said before leaving them to themselves.

"Personal at home and professional at work, really ?" Y/N scoffed.

"What did you want me to say ? That you fuck our employees and our lawyers." Carol bitterly said back.

"Funny, I thought you put that behind us. Apparently not, so are there any other of my friends that you have sexual relations with ?" Y/N clenched her jaw, looking irritated at her wife.

"I thought that too, but I'm not the one who decides to reveal things that are not needed to be revealed." Carol pointed to Y/N's dress.

To be fair, Y/N's dress was revealing, but then again their guests were a bunch of middle-aged married men and women, but did that ever stop anyone ?

"Oh, come one, Carol! Are you really blaming this on my clothes ?" Y/N raised her voice, which she quickly lowered when it caught a few people's attention.

"Then what is it then ? Is it your charisma, your flirtatious eyes, touchy hands ?" Carol moved closer to her. If I'm not mistaken, I think Carol might be flirting with her wife.

Y/N rolled her eyes and walked away from her.

I get why people are always against husbands and wives working with each other. When it comes to Carol and Y/N, there is a very thin line between personal and professional, I mean you would know.

Spouses always have their way of involving their personal life with their professional ones, and vice versa. In the case of Y/N and Carol, they happen to involve employees, lawyers, and friends.

But hey, that's all in the past. It's been a year, let's forget about.

But you do know what they say about your mistakes coming back to bite you in the ass.


The event ended and their ride back home was pure silence.

Once they reached their house, Y/N walked upstairs, not saying a word to Carol, nor did Carol.

It's been like that the past year, the cold shoulder. There hasn't been a single bouquet of flowers that they've given to each other.

As much as it is a headache to imagine, I think Agatha should gift the couple some lovely tulips.

One year is a very long time for a couple to not sleep in the same bed, same room, or to even be nice to each other. But that's how most awfully rich people live, no wonder their success isn't enough that they need a side chick. It keeps the marriage healthy, despite how terrible the thought is.

Surprisingly, they haven't been unfaithful ever since their past affairs, even with their deprivation of sex.

"Y/N!" Carol called out for her, who was rushing to her room.

"What ?" Y/N turned around.

Carol had enough of it, the attitude her wife gave her. She walked, more like sprinted, towards Y/N.

"We might not be sleeping in the same room, or sleeping with each other, or even being civil to each other, but I will not let you have this impolite manner in our house. Watch your mouth when you're talking to me, sweetheart." Carol stated as she got very close to her wife.

"Or what ? Hm... what are you going to do, Carol ? What, are you going to punish me like you did before ? Oh, honey, you won't tell me how to speak to you." Y/N walked closer and closer to Carol until her back hit the door.

Y/N had a slight smirk on her face, while Carol was enraged.

Y/N walked away, but Carol grabbed her wrist and pinned her on the door.

"Y/N, I wouldn't want you to test my anger. Provoking me will be your worst mistake. And to answer your question, it's not a punishment if you like it." Carol gave Y/N her phone, which she forgot in the car and was the reason Carol called for her in the first place.

Y/N rolled her eyes and entered her room before shutting the door on Carol's face.

Funny, but sad how they don't have respect for each other anymore.

It's also amusing how people see the exterior of the relationship and think that they're in love, when in reality they are as unhappy as a marriage can be.

"It hurts the most when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today."

A/N - Hi you :) How are you feeling today ? Let it all out, it's a Friday anyways. The next chapter will be a happier one, whatever that is supposed to mean ;) Have fun reading.
Love L.C ♡

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