Picnic Date

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"...say, Jean, would you like to go on a picnic tomorrow?" Diluc asked his girl through the phone.

It's been a tough week for both Diluc and Jean. They are both in a lots-of-homework-from-professors-and-to-dos-phase and they haven't met for almost a month. He thought that meeting up with her in two days would be an awesome idea before another week of assignments kicks in.

"I'd love to, Diluc! I'll prepare the food, drinks, and utensils. 3 PM sharp in the park. Don't be late, okay," she reminded as Diluc could feel her excitement. "Anyways, remember to make loads of cheese toast!" He added.

"Hahaha, I won't make loads. It will be bad for your health, Diluc. Anyways, make sure to bring the picnic blanket and trash bags tomorrow, or else you can't come," Jean chuckled through the phone.

"Alright, alright. It's 11 now and you should probably get some sleep. It's been half an hour since we talked. Good night, Jean," spoke Diluc to her softly.

"Good night, my dear Diluc," she responded as the line became dead.

The red-haired man hung up his phone and directly jumped himself to bed as a result of his excitement. I can finally meet my dearest girlfriend again. I truly can't wait for Saturday to come.


Click, click Diluc's keyboard clicked as he typed his essay. But before Diluc could type another word, his eyes dilated to the right corner of his laptop. 2.40 PM. Jean would have arrived at the park already he thought as he noticed the time.

Diluc had prepared the stuff he needed to bring in the picnic basket 20 minutes ago so he wouldn't need to rush; A gingham blanket, his Instax Mini 11, trash bags, and his wallet.

Diluc felt lucky that he lived near the park. Jean would be mad at him if he is late. To her, discipline is one of the most important things we need to apply in life. Diluc couldn't agree more.

"Jean, Jean..." Diluc called her name as he arrived at the park.

There was no response. Every time she has a date or appointment, she usually arrives at least 10 minutes before.

He set up the blanket on the grass and sat on it, looking up as he paid attention to the lovely blue sky. Then he heard a sudden growl.

"Gurgle, gurgle," went Diluc's stomach.

Diluc rubbed my stomach and mumbled, "Oh, I wished that I brought food as well. I didn't have any idea that she was late,"


Diluc knew his girlfriend's voice like the back of his hand. He got up from the blanket and immediately ran to her.

"Oh, Jean, I missed you lots!" Diluc exclaimed excitedly as he squished her.

They let go of the hug and felt overjoyed. The couple then sat on the blanket to catch their breath from our joyousness.

"I don't like people who are late. They're truly indisciplined. Discipline is really important and we must apply it in our lives," Diluc quoted sarcastically what Jean told him donkey years ago during their first date. Yeah, Diluc was 10 minutes late.

Jean lazily rolled her eyeballs then chuckled "Haha, how hilarious,"

She took the drinks and utensils out of her picnic basket as she added, "I was late because of helping Lisa,"

Diluc kept on listening to Jean's explanation at the same time as she took out the food. There were cheese toasts, sausage rolls, and chicken salad. Diluc wasn't surprised that they were mouthwatering because his girl makes the best dishes.

"Ugh, that girl. I was about to leave when she shouted for help because she had her head stuck between the balcony railing. It took me about 15 minutes or more to get her head out and my, that was extremely hard," she continued after she munched her sausage rolls.

Diluc couldn't help but burst, laughing out loud. That explains why she was late. "HAHAHAHA, how did Lisa's head get stuck on the railing?" He asked her as he kept on laughing.

"I don't have any idea," Jean shook her head and simpered. "Anyways, how's the food? Tasty, am I right?"



After an hour and a half of chatting and eating, Jean and Diluc decided to end the date by taking pictures in this beautiful park. Diluc grabbed his Instax camera and told Jean to pose. The beautiful girl isn't a model but she's quite good at posing for pictures.

"Alright, that's a nice one! Now, try to look more relaxed and give me a slight smile," Diluc advised, channeling his inner photographer. As Diluc kept on taking pictures of her, a man, around 70 years old walked passed by and offered to take a shot of the couple.

The man came close to his girl and though they've been dating for ages, he still blushes when they're this close. After a few pictures and poses, Jean leaned her head closer to Diluc to do a head-touch pose. Diluc's face turned redder than his hair.

The man returned Diluc's camera and chuckled. He told us, "Both of you are such an adorable couple. I hope that your relationship will last long,"

"That's very kind. Thank you, sir,"

As the man left, the couple thanked him and Diluc turned at Jean. She beamed and joked at him, "You know, you still look the same as back then every time you go red,"

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