💗Chapter 1💗

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Guide (since I think it's needed):
Y/N's (and other people's) thoughts
Y/N's (and other people's) Daydreams/Dreams
Saiki's thoughts
"Saiki speaking with telepathy"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Saiki speaking to Y/N directly"

~💗~ = time skip
~|💓💗💓|~ = segment change


"Is that really her?"
"It can't be!"
"And look who she's linking arms with."

I smile happily, nuzzling into Kusuo's arm. He smiles at me a little "Good grief, it's like they've never seen a couple before." He chuckles quietly...actually speaking with his mouth "They're probably just in awe of how amazing we are~" I hum confidently. All eyes were on us, and it didn't make me want to barf.

"Are you sure this isn't bothering you, Ku-Ku?" I ask, glancing at him worriedly. He smiles softly as he presses a kiss to my forehead "Nothing bothers me when I'm with you." Our foreheads press together. "Since you can read minds...how jealous are they?" I ask, smiling while we walk to class. Kusuo hums and mirrors my smile "Super jealous." He tells me, we both laugh. "I know something they will make them more jealous." Kusuo whispers, leaning his lips closer to mine-

I snap out of my daydream, noticing Kusuo's gaze. I grab a handful of random clothes, "I'm gonna go try these on. Bye!" I say nervously before running off towards the dressing rooms. Shoot, I forgot Ku can read my mind...wait! Doesn't that mean he's heard all the other daydreams I've ever had... ALL OF THEM?! "Oh no..." I mumble with wide eyes.

I shift the pile of clothes to be on my shoulder as I attempt to open the door "Oh, let me help you!" A voice says happily before I flinch at the sudden bright glow. I glance to my side to see a girl with blue hair smiling brightly at me "Um, thanks." I say, smiling back a little.

Who is this chick...and why is she glowing? Does she have powers like Ku? I mean, she's pretty like Ku...

"No problem, I'm happy to help." She says before walking into her own dressing room. I walk inside, dropping my clothes onto the seat. My eyes study the pile of clothes I ended up gathering...they don't look like anything I would actually wear. "Eh, Mom wanted me to try new things..." I mumble under my breath.

~15 Minutes Later~

"Ugh, I hate new things..."

I hang the pile of clothes onto a nearby rack as I walk out of the women's dressing room. I stare at the 3 shirts I actually liked, Good enough. I look around for Kusuo, "Where is-" "Hey, I was hoping to bump into you again." The same cheery voice from earlier says, I turn to see the same girl "Really? Why?" I ask. She smiles "It's just you look really familiar. You wouldn't happen to go to PK Academy, would you?" She asks.

"Um, yeah."
"Wow, me too! I'm Teruhashi Kokomi!"

Right, last name then first name...not everyone's ok with you calling them by their first name immediately...

"I'm L/N Y/N...it's nice to meet you, Teruhashi." I say, people stare at us. I frown nervously, "Oh wow...she's so pretty." A guy says "She's amazing!" Another guy gasps "Oh wow!" A bunch more guys gasp as they start to surround us. "Uh, sorry, I need to go find my b-my friend! Ok bye! See you later!" I say quickly before quickly walking off.

I dodge through the forming crowd of boys-only to bump into one of them "S-sorry." I say as I look up. Oh good, it's a boy I like. "Ku! I thought you were part of the mob!" I sigh happily. Kusuo glances at the crowd, "I thought you needed saving."  He tells me. We walk away from the women's section "Heh, my hero. Shall I buy you a coffee jelly for saving me?" I ask "Why do you think I saved you?" Kusuo asks, smirking a little. I blink at his statement "...Well now you're only getting one coffee jelly out of me." I huff firmly "Wait." Kusuo says, frowning sadly "Sad face isn't going to work on me, Mr." I scoff. We get ready to pay for our clothes.

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