U.A. Here I Come!

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Izuku was extremely excited. Sure, the written portion of the U.A. exam was hard, but destroying robots? This was gonna be fun. Just as Izuku thought this, the doors to the test sight opened, and he stretched his arms out to either side, before pulling them tight.

"GUM GUM CATAPULT!" Izuku yelled as he jumped off the ground and was sent flying at a 1 point robot.

"Hey! That's cheating!" A blue haired boy yelled, as Izuku hit the robot, destroying it.

"NO! HE'S GOT THE RIGHT IDEA! GO GO GO!" Present Mic shouted, as Izuku saw more robots coming at him, and reeled his fists back while grinning.

"GUM GUM GATLING!" Izuku yelled as he shot his fists out over 40 feet several times, destroying the robots with the high velocity.

(Time skip 5 minutes, inside the observation both)

"There are quite a few exceptional participants this year," a white chimera said.

"Yes, some have overwhelming strength..." a white haired man said, looking at a green haired teen with three swords, one in his mouth and one in either hand, he had over 100 points already.

"Then there are those with great resourcefulness..." a buff blond haired man said, looking a black haired teen with a slingshot in hand, shooting explosive projectiles from afar, he had over 75 points now.

"Of course we can't forget those with fantastic battle prowess..." a black haired woman said, looking at an orange haired girl, who manifested a staff from her arm and was skillfully taking out robots, she had over 90 points now. (I know Momo took the recommendation exam, this is for the sake of story, and yes, Momo is Nami, thanks billl--cipher for helping me figure out who People should be)

"And of course, there is always one who shines through with all three..." a shaggy black haired man said, looking at Izuku, who now had over 150 points, beating the school record of  127.

"I think it's time," said the white chimera, before pressing a big red button.

(With Izuku)

As Izuku shot his fist out 50 feet with such force that it went straight threw a robot, he heard and felt a rubbling. Looking over he saw a giant robot with a big zero painted on it. Getting excited, Izuku blew air into his thumb, expanding his arm to a massive size.

"GEAR 3! GUM GUM BAZUKA!" Izuku shouted as he shot his giant fist out (I don't know the names of Luffy's attacks so feel free to correct me, also, he isn't using any haki right now). As his fist made contact, the robot was smash into bits from on punch.

(Meanwhile, in the observation room)


'Dead god...' everyone present thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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