No doubt about it

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I love the summer, I always have and I think I always will. Since I can remember me and my friend Libby have gone to her family's caravan every summer it's almost as if it's become tradition. I can always remember the long car rides to Bridlington so we can have a still stroll across the beach with a cold bubblegum ice cream in my hand which was bound to get all over my face but, of course I couldn't step foot out of the caravan without being smothered in what felt like a whole bottle of sunscreen. See I have pale skin and long ginger Locks so I'm prone to being burned the moment I have contact with the sun, I always hated my ginger hair growing up it felt like god had it out for me when creating me, constant name calling of the boys always wound me up and I wanted to dye it so bad but my mum would never let me she always told me I would grow to love my hair, I never did .Libby's family always made me feel like one of their own her dad was the loveliest man and her mum always helped me through the hard times which,when I was 6 was at most a graze to the knee. The caravan was like my second home, after a long day at Bridlington we would come back call for gaz and have a walk around the lake, gaz's family owned the caravan site so he lived there I was always envious of him. As we began growing up we got closer and closer by the years, of course gaz living 2 hour away meant we couldn't keep contact but the moment we saw him again it was like we were never apart. Gaz had brown almost black hair and the most beautiful brown eyes you would ever see, I always had a tiny crush on him as a child but would get embarrassed any time Libby's grandad brought it up. Libby's grandad was always my favourite growing up, he'd always make the effort to get the boat out and get me and Libby on the back in the inflatable rings we could never manage to quite hold on .

The last time I could remember going to the caravan was around year 6 after this me and Libby drifted we ended going to different secondary schools which made us lose almost all contact, this was until a few months ago. Libby randomly popped up to me Snapchat story complimenting me which got a conversation flowing between us which lead to a very long FaceTime call, we caught up on all the new gossip and how are family was doing and made arrangements to see each other the following day. It was a Monday, Libby finishes earlier than me so she walked to school and waited for me and we instantly connected we spent the day at her making food , which most definitely gave us food poisoning, online shopping and going on a long walk. It was as-if we never spent time apart , donna her mum dropped me off home and soon after I got another message of Libby asking if I wanted to do the same thing the following day with I instantly agreed to . This time we went shopping as Libby was going on holiday the following week, this was when Libby asked me if I wanted to go the the caravan with her the week after. Which I obviously said yes to, I was so excited it had been years we were 15 now and if I'm being honest I completely forgot what the place looked like and admittedly forgot about gaz .

The week went by and Libby said goodbye as she was headed of to the airport,I genuinely dreaded her leaving in that week she became all I had. I obviously had friends but none I trusted or had a connection with like I did Libby, this because the longest week of my life I found myself getting emotional thinking about the fact my best friend was thousands of miles away and can't be here to comfort me if something goes wrong. We FaceTimed almost every minute of everyday and made sure we let each-other know the gossip.

Roll on Thursday, Libby was coming home and we were headed straight to the caravan, we frantically ran to each-other when we saw one and other as if we were in a romance film. I think a few tears rolled from our eyes and it was as-if some weights had been lifted of our shoulders. When I tell I I get attached easy I do. We got in the car and headed straight to billabong, if I'm being honest I've always wondered why the names the caravan park that and who came up with it, Donna turned on her magic radio and we all got to jamming out in the car. The only person we were missing now was kev, Libby's dad but that comes in later on in the story.

When we arrived it felt different, although it was, it didn't seem to be the place I grew up and loved. The lake seemed duller and the whole atmosphere seemed off, but come on it's not the same as it was I've grown up and I think my whole worlds just become dull. Sometimes I wish I could go back and freeze the picture, I looked over to a bench in fact this is the bench I used to sit and wait patiently to wait for my sunscreen to dry so I could go for a splash in the lake and I look ever towards the boats , the ones I used to ride in as a kid. It all changed the benches had been dented over time and marks that were never there were now suddenly there. As we walk around we see gaz and wow did he change he got taller and I don't know if it was them grafting pants or what but wow he got hotter. In my opinion anyway, Libby doesn't seem to agree with me.

We get to the caravan and get unpacking and this caravan didn't change at all! There were still the same sheets on the bed from all those years ago and the same pictures. I liked it tho, it gave me that sense of home. When we finished un packing Jeanne , Libby's step-Nan took us to asda to get some food for the weekend. If we're being honest no body liked jeanne and it was one hell of a lot awkward car ride. The caravan site in sort of in the middle of no where so it's a long car ride to the shops , for gods sake the closes mc Donald's if probably about 45 min away, I'd love to know how gaz copes to be honest. I think me and Libby managed to but every sweet item in the shop including a lot of brownies and for some reason a large box of cookie crisp but to be fair they do taste banging. Getting back in the car Libby got a message of gaz asking who I was, I was a little bit offended that he didn't remember but in his defence I have changed a lot I've got from ginger to blonde and Caspar the ghost to tanned so I'll give it to him. He soon remembered me tho and brought up the time when he pushed me in the lake and I ran back to the caravan frantically crying, but I think most 11 year olds would do the same. Anyway gaz asked if we would meet him later on to which we agreed.

We all sat in the caravan, Jeanne and Brian had some guests over so we all sat in the caravan and ordered a Chinese, and soon after we all headed to mine and Libby's room .Me and gaz shared a bed and Libby had her own , if you've ever been in a caravan you know how small them beds are. Me and gaz had to practically be under each others skin to fit in. Me and Libby be the amazing friends we are stole gazes phone and scared away what seemed like every girl in the local area, obviously me and Libby did this just to wind him up but I secretly loved it coz it meant I was one step closer to having him. I don't know why but I always tend to get jealous over everyone , I could know you for ten minutes but if I see you with someone else I automatically think you hate me I don't know why but I just do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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