The Rumblings in the Clouds

Start from the beginning

"I know. We have to find out what's causing them. The rumbles are slowly tearing apart the village. If they don't stop, our entire community will fall apart." Beck says.

"We should head back. Before another quake happens." I say.

"Yeah. Let's go." Beck agrees.

On our way back to the village, the ground shakes two more times, making it very hard for us to make our way through the thick brush safely. Everytime the ground shakes, I fall and my black cargo pants and green shirt get muddier every time.

We enter back through the gates of the village. We run over to Beck's grandfather at his hut.

"Grandfather! Are you alright? Did you feel the rumblings?" Beck asks.

"I felt them. Much stronger than the last time. I was in my chair, so I didn't fall down." Beck's grandfather explains.

"I'm glad you're alright," I tell him.

"Thank you, Aveline," Beck's grandfather tells me.

"We are planning on heading out West today," Beck explains. "We want to do some exploring."

"But we can stay here with you, if you want," I remind him.

"Oh no. I'm good. You kids go on. Have some fun."

I always appreciated Beck's grandfather, the parent figure in my life. He was kind, caring, but sometimes a little too giving. He never gave us punishments or told us that we couldn't do something. Which I suppose I should have enjoyed, never getting in trouble and such. But it always felt like something was missing. I knew that it was my parents. But also their actions. If my parents were here, they would punish me if I did something wrong, and they wouldn't always let me go where I wish. They certainly would not let me scavenge for food in the jungle beyond the village. But now I have no choice, I must do all these things to survive.

"Okay. So, ready to go, Aveline?" Beck asks me.

"Yes. I'll just grab some supplies for us," I tell him. He nods, and so I run off to my hut.

I grab a blanket, a multitool, and fill my backpack with food and water. Then I put on my sunhat and walk back outside.

"Ready," I announce.

"Great! Let's go!" Beck says excitedly.

We head back through the village. Beck is walking in front of me and his boots are leaving huge muddy footprints in the wet soil. Beck is much taller than I am, and his feet are much bigger. It was like that saying "I'll follow in your footsteps," but I was actually following them.

"Alright. Let's try and be back for dinner," Beck suggests. I nod and we advance, back out into the thick jungle.

Instead of going straight, left or right, like we usually do, we tramped all the way around the circular village borders to the back of the clan.

There is no trail here. Beck and I have no idea where to go. I hope we don't get lost. Bugs and reptiles are awake now, in the afternoon heat. I hear croaking and buzzing.

"Why don't we just head straight? That way we will always know our way back," I suggest.

"Good idea." Beck agrees.

We walk for about an hour, before stumbling into a clearing. There are no trees or animals. It is silent. The only thing in the huge area is a very big hill, covered in bright green grass and flowers.

"This place is beautiful!" I smile. I never thought that the West could be joyful or happy. I always pictured it sad, dead and dark.

"See? Aren't you glad I dragged you out here?" Beck teases.

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