"Your treat?"|| Maison x reader

Start from the beginning

"Hello? Maison?" You called out to him but he continued to blankly stare at the table with his coffee remaining in his hands.

"Uhm." You were at loss for words, whatever you said didn't catch his attention and making a scene would be the end of you.

Without warning he abruptly rose from his seat.

"You mentioned that you had no place for the night, right?" He recollected himself gaining back emotion.

"Well yeah, they said I would have to wait till tomorrow." The confusion of his actions caused more wonder as to what made him think for such an extended period of time.

"Then please allow me to pay for a hotel just for the night, my treat." He grinned sweetly but it made it all the more odd.

"Oh you really don't have to, I just payed for a coffee and a hotel is way more expensive!" You tried to decline his offer but he wasn't taking 'no' as the answer.

"Please, I insist. It would bring me ease to know such a kind person yourself isn't on the streets and instead inside of a lovely room to suit their own loveliness." He showered you in compliments every time you refused him, trying his best to win you over.

"Fine, but why? I can pay for my own." He sighed in relief and bent down to your level getting directly into your vision.

"Because, you've made me have a change of heart. Simple as that." He patted your head then stood back up again.

"Now come on, I know just the place to suit you." He grabbed your belongings then with his unoccupied hand grasped your own.

"Hey, I have to pay first!" You stopped him reminding Maison the surrounding.

"Ah, my apologies." He laughed and let you go to pay off the bill.

"Okay, now you can show me." You laughed and in return he gave a close mouthed smile and began to lead the way.


Maisons hand let go of yours as a tall building with brightly lit doors stood in front of you both.

"You first." He joked and you were baffled.

"Wait, this is the hotel?!" To say you were expecting this was a blatant lie.

"Oh? Is it not to your liking my dear buyer?" He gave a sad look teasingly.

"N-No! Its just, I didn't expect something like this." You stared in awe as he chuckled.

"You look quite adorable staring like that. Now come on, we need to check you in." He grabbed your hand again and led in a shocked Y/n still questioning if this was a dream or not.

"Hello there, would you two like to get yourselves a room?" A man behind the counter asked looking at you two kindly.

"Certainly, just for the night." Maison replied and the rest you couldn't make-out since your eyes were taking in all of the architecture, staring like a child in a candy store.

"Come now Y/n, this way." He tugged at your arm and snapped you back to reality.

"Oh! Okay." He led you into and elevator and pressed a button rising to an upper floor.

A quiet tune faintly played making a calm atmosphere, perfect for empty thoughts to enlighten with no distractions.

"I've never been to somewhere like this before." Your voice was quiet as it was just a spoken thought.

"Really?" Maison looked down at you adoringly when he noticed the thought-less action of a body pressing against his arm.

"Yeah." Is all you said resting your head hearing a beep for every floor you passed until a louder one rang and opened to a new floor.

He didn't speak, just walked to the number imprinted in the keys he was given.

"Here you go, here is your luggage. Please excuse me as I have something to attend to." He smiled and handed over your belongings.

"Where?" You questioned and he paused for a second before responding.

"Business, quite boring but I will only be gone for a short while." He gave a small pat on top of your head and backed away from the door.

"See you soon, Y/n." He waved off and left.

With you all by yourself in a hotel way out of your price range, of course it was best to make most of this and jump onto the queen-sized matress.

"This feels like heaven." You happily said being muffled by the pillows. Walking for half of a day was quite the exercise so a rest was greatly appreciated.

Maisons POV||

I may have not done this the traditional way, but I don't regret it. I received my meal afterall.

"Well. Thank you for your service to my value, I truly appreciate your sacrifice." I grinned looking down at the body slowly becoming a part of my value and the satiation to my starvation.

Their eyes dimmed and finally the body became limp. Life evaporated in thin air.

"Y/n." I remember now, I have someone waiting for me.

"Better not keep Y/n waiting any longer." I stood up and straighted out my clothes not leaving any dust or wrinkles.

"Its dark out. They most likely are asleep." The moon shone down being the only light in the dead of night.

With the silence I made my way back to where I needed to be.

I had taken the keys with me so they should be asleep and well.

With a light turning of a knob, the door came open and revealed a body sleeping peacefully under the warm comfort of blankets.

My actions didn't matter, changing from old to new tactics wasn't of importance.

"Maison?" A voice groggily called out to me.

"Yes? I'm right here." I walked over to the mattress and sat down next to Y/n.

"Sorry I fell asleep. I was waiting but this bed is too comfy." The drowsiness in their voice was evident and clear, how sincere of them to try waiting for me.
Normal POV||

Maison rested his hand on top of your head.

"Thank you for waiting, but you need rest. Please don't mind me." He stood up but got dragged back down by a hand.

"No.. You need rest too." You whined trying to drag him into the bed you lay on.

"If I say no, would you take that as an answer?" He asked looking into your tired expression.

"Nope." You responded and he sighed with a small bit of laughter.

"I thought so." With that he got up and walked over the other side.

Sinking of the mattress had proven he joined you.

"You were right, this is devilishly comfortable." He joked and you laughed along with him.

"See, now you can't blame me." The bed was comfortable but what brought more ease were hands laying on your side.

"And I never planned to." Maison closed his eyes and so did you. The night was peaceful and Maison has found a change of tune in his life.

But only for one person.


This was longer than expected lol I rushed the ending too

Sorry if he's a bit out of character but I will write doe next
(。- .•)

Word count: 2931

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