"I've missed you," I whisper seductively making a sharp intake of air sound between his teeth.

"Is that so?" He whispers just as seductively back making me grin with a nod, "care to stay at mine tonight and show me how much you missed me?"

Biting my lip, I nod once before placing my lips back over his, however, I suddenly got the feeling we were being watched from afar. Pinging my eyes open, even though Jungkook's are still closed as the kiss continues, I look over Jungkook's shoulder to trace my eyes over the civilians of Seoul going about their afternoon.

Just as I am about to mentally shrug off the feeling and return my full attention to the kiss still ongoing, I freeze completely at the sight of someone staring straight at us on the other side of the road from my complex building. I wouldn't have been so paranoid if it wasn't for how she's trying to hide behind sunglasses and a tree.

I can hear Jungkook calling my name, but he sounds like he's in the far off distance and not right beside me in his car. My stare continues to pierce into the woman staring shamelessly at us before disappearing before my very eyes as if I've just seen a ghost and not a living person.

"(Your name)-"

"Get us out of here," I demand Jungkook lowly only to get a perplexed look thrown back at me.

Going to turn his head to see where I am staring, I gently place my right hand over his left cheek to prevent him from looking any further over his shoulder.

"Just drive," I mumble.

Jungkook's perplexed expression doesn't leave his face even when he's pulling out of the parking space and on route to his house. My mind can do nothing but rival itself on who that woman was and why she was so interested in us. I'm just hoping it's not a saesang. 

Throughout the drive back to his apartment, I stay silent and lost in my own thoughts about who the mystery woman could be. Jungkook doesn't attempt to make conversation, but I notice the constant glances he takes at me to see if I'm okay or attempting to unlock a telepathic ability to read my mind.

It's not until we pull up at a red traffic light that a heavy sigh falls from his lips and sets his elbow onto the window sill of his door with a thud as though it's an attempt to stir me from my thoughts. Nevertheless, I don't say anything but notice how he's suddenly snapped his face into my direction and is sternly staring at me.

"This is my only day off for the next couple of weeks and you don't have any audacity to explain what the fuck that just was?"

Utterly shocked by his outburst, I look over at him with my mouth agape and my eyes wide at his attitude. His stern gaze does not fade but instead, he tuts at me before shaking his head and looking out through his window over his clenched fist when I stay silent.


"Do not Jungkook me," he snaps suddenly, without looking at me, and pressing his foot on the accelerator signifying that the light must have turned green.

Completely overwhelmed by his reaction to my silence, I shift in my seat to try and cuddle up with my door as best I could. The last time he reacted this way was at the party celebration at the kickoff to the American shows a few weeks back, but we were both in a heated argument so I wasn't fazed by his anger back then. This, however, seems totally uncalled for.

A heavy sigh leaves my lips that now must be the time to explain what I saw before he gets any more upset with me - or my silence.

"I think I saw someone watching us when we were in the car park," I mumble nonchalantly, staring out of my window at the bustling streets.

He doesn't respond verbally, but instead, smacks his steering wheel before pressing his foot even harder on the accelerator which pushes me back into my seat because of the force. A look of panic washes over my face at the sight of Jungkook's car speeding in and out of the lanes of traffic, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to keep my stomach from spewing out my breakfast.

"Jungkook!" I scream when I feel his car roaring at the concrete road like a predator on its prey.

To my sudden relief, Jungkook slams his foot on the brake pedal but I almost hit my head on the dashboard from the amount of force throwing me forward. Jungkook's arm instinctively throws itself before my chest so that my body doesn't go any further than it already has.

When the force finishes its fight against my body, I slump back heavily into the seat and pant in pure shock and horror before glancing over to Jungkook to see that he's placed his forehead onto his steering wheel. At first, I thought he'd hit his head against the steering wheel and is now possibly in a coma but I am thankful when he lifts his head and sternly glances around the perimeter of his car.

"The fuck was that?" I unconsciously scream at him.

I hadn't even noticed we were parked in a secluded area until Jungkook falls back against his seat and lets out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, baby," he whispers sadly, but that doesn't ease up my angry features being glared at him.

"I noticed a car following behind us but I thought I was just being paranoid," he explains gently and my features soften slightly, "I started getting scared when it had followed us for three blocks and I couldn't handle the silence you were giving me, especially after you told me to get us out of the area."

He sighs heavily before looking over at me with his eyebrows pinched together, "the moment you said you saw someone watching us, I knew I had to get you somewhere safe."

Scared by not only his facial features, but the shakiness of his voice, I stay silent to process what he just said for a few moments.

"But who?" I ask quietly 

Jungkook shakily takes a deep breath before letting it out and turning his head to face the front window.


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