The Bee

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SCP-882~2A6 ;

Classification : Euclid-Thaumiel

Containment : Small light yellow box with grass and a small tree w/beehive and a nest.

Research : Item answers questions easily. Item claims to have a family and shows signs of moderate to severe socioemotional damage. No other research has been done for fear of triggers.

Extra notes : Subject has a large love for bees and SCP-716~166, who he talks to constantly.

He watched from the vents as his neighbor struggled against their restraints and bared their teeth. He thought that his new neighbor would at least be peaceful enough to be let out this afternoon. The insect-like boy turned and crawled away from the vent cover and flopped into his own white box which was quite different.

The little box had a small nest and a few plants growing over the floor around it. There was a small tree in the corner with a bee hive hanging from one of the branches. The bees were asleep. His little room had two windows, one looking into the hallway and one looking at his other neighbor with an insey-winsey door in the far corner blocked from view by his nest.

He looked over to the other room and found that his window friend wasn't inside. {He must be testing, I guess} They would never hurt anyone or remove them without the small nesting boy's knowledge, like when they removed the purple alien to a different site to be with his brother. The younger had been talking the flashers through what made the other boy comfortable and what didn't. They tried to make it as painless as possible, the purple boy was doing well as far as our little bee knew.

He liked it this way, living in a box, he could pretend all the time and not have people yelling at him! He could be on a voiage and not have someone call him down for dinner or he could be chasing monsters and not be told to go to bed. So, yeah, living in a box was nice...

Picrew creation rights to ; Hunbloom on

Word Count ; 337

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