Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Move." He said and quickly leaned over the bed.

"Gross!" I looked away in disgust as I heard him throw up.

"What did you do last night? You have to go to the hospital Justin. Did you eat anything bad? What did you eat? What if you die? Oh my god Justin you have to take care of yourself!" I frowned at the end and hit his arm.

"Kylie don't talk so loudly." He complained. "I don't want to go to the hospital."

"You have to, I'll get you your shoes." I got up and went to his closet. He had a ton of shoes it took me a while to find a pair of his slippers. "Sit up Justin."

"No, I'm not going."

"Don't be stubborn, come on get up."

"Nooo." He whined.

"Justin you're temperature is 101.6 that's not good, you're throwing up, and you have a headache. Please come on you have to get checked. You might be seriously sick. I want them to get you better and healthy." I sighed and sat next to him.

"I just need you and I'll get healthier." He said really cutely and pulled me down so I can lay down next to him.

"Cute.. But seriously Justin please. If you love me you'd go." I said as I stared into his eyes. He tried to kiss me but I looked away. "Nice try, I don't wanna get sick." I sat up and took the covers off of him.

"Fine." He groaned and slowly sat up. He put on his slippers and I helped him walk downstairs and into my car.

* * *


"Feeling better?" I asked Justin as I rubbed my thumb over his hand. Turns out he ate bad sushi last night. He nodded his head and closed his eyes to relax a little.

"Justin has to stay over the night, so we can make sure there isn't any complications." A nurse said as she put something in Justin's IV. "Is that okay?" Justin shook his head no.

"It's fine." I nodded and squeezed Justin's hand so he wouldn't argue.

"I need you to fill things out since it seems like he has never filled out these papers." The nurse told me.

"Okay." I nodded.

"First I need some of your information." She said while flipping to a page. "Are you his legal guardian?"

"Uh no?"

"Are you one of his emergency contacts?"

"Um, yeah I guess."

"What's your relationship with him?"

"Gir- um... close friend." I responded I looked over to Justin and his eyes were still closed but a little smirk was on his face. I smiled a little and rolled my eyes. She asked me a few more questions and then handed me forms so I can fill out on my own.

"Girlfriend?" Justin smirked as the nurse left.

"Shut up, go to sleep you're sick."

"You're my girlfriend."

"No I'm not, you're lucky I care about you still."

"Because you love me still."

"Shut up, go to sleep."

"I've been getting better, you know? I've been going to anger management, stopped going to clubs, cut out some people that were negative influences." He explained.

"Sure you are." I sighed and continued to fill out the papers. "Have you ever had a broken bone?" I asked.

"Remember when I was performing and I broke my leg?"

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