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    You groaned as the alarm clock rang signaling it was time to get up. You blearily looked at it and smashed the snooze button and pushed yourself up. You froze as you realized what that today was the entrance exam for U.A! Sighing you rubbed his eyes and quickly got dressed, when footsteps were heard heading up the stairs. Your dad, was walking up an alolan form of Ninetales with his white fluffy tail swaying gently in the wind. "Good you're awake I was about to use dazzling gleam on you" your dad joked. You ran out of the room not feeling like getting blinded again when you saw your other dad an normal Ninetales look at you while he was making breakfast the aroma of eggs wafting through the air. "Good morning y/n! Are you excited?" you're other dad said grinning. "Yeah but I need to hurry can I go?" you said as you finished your meal. "Yup good luck"! your dads yelled after you.

    You ran the breeze flying through your eevee ears as you saw THE building in the distance the sight fueling you're sprint. The sounds of teenagers chatting filled your ears as you saw the future heros waiting to start the exam. One kid stood out to you he had straight blonde hair and eyes that... were staring straight at you? "Umm hi" you very awkwardly said as you gave him a friendly greeting walking up to him. He stared at you then very awkwardly waved "um hey to what do I owe the pleasure of talking to you". "Oh it's just you were staring I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you.." you mumbled trailing off. "Oh I was trying to figure out your quirk!" Suddenly the microphone boomed signalling the exam was about to start. 

    Your task was to defeat robots to score point which should be easy enough right? Well you hoped so because your quirk might decide that today was the day to become a Leafeon or something but Jolteon would be the most useful so you just hoped for the best. You ran looking at the bots willing a transformation when it happened you're body started shrinking,  your senses sharpening the sounds of people yelling increasing as the buildings grew taller. When, suddenly you felt someone grab you and run just as a robot was about to go smashing down, but they started shrinking too? You looked at them realizing it was the kid from earlier but... they were turning into Jolteon like you? He grinned at you and yelled "neat quirk" while using thunder shock on the nearest robot. The test went on with that but it was a blur as you were just ecstatic that someone else could be an Eevee and their evolutions with you!

    The writing test was the same you had studied beforehand but all you were thinking of was their face as they turned into a Jolteon! No one in your family had quirks that transformed into pokemon so you were always kind of lonely, but this time there was someone else! You finished up the test and walked home with a skip in your step thinking of them. 

    Quietly opening the door, you walked in seeing a family picture. Your whole family had pokemon related quirk excluding the people who married into this family. It had started back when quirk were new and your great great grandfather could bring manga and anime characters to life then when he married your great great grandma who had a summon mystical creatures quirk I guess what could be called the first pokemon trainer was created. Although everyone has pokemon quirks no one could full on transform like you and they didn't really understand it causing you to always feel a little disconnected, but today someone had your quirk! They filled your brain every second thinking of them you hoped they made it as did you.

1 week later

You were taking out the mail the crisp air in your ears when you froze staring at the letter addressed from U.A. You ran home and burst open the door yelling for your dads to come. Silently you opened the letter your dads watching in anticipation when a 3-d figure of Nedzu came up saying "You've been accepted to the U.A class 1-b hero course!" The house erupted into screams your "dog" starting to bark loudly as well. You picked up herdier a rare case of animals with quirks and spun them around grinning wildly. Your dads smiled and gushed saying "my little boy! We knew you would make it in" giving you an affectionate rub on the head. You smiled hopeful for your new year at U.A ready to give it your all.

I think that was okayish? for first chapter I don't have much experience lol

Please give me constructive criticism on how to improve my writing if you can!

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