Temari manages to reach the vegetable stall, where she ponder whether to buy lettuce or cabbage. She stand beside a group of housewife that glance at her like she is disgusting. Temari tries her best to ignores them.

"Look at her... really have no shame showing up casually like this. Is it Nara's head clan bastard child?" A middle aged woman who carries a basket full of potatoes whisper to the group.
They nod and laugh sarcastically.

"It makes me remember how the Sunan deceived us and trying to rampage our city that day... the Chuunin exams i supposed? Isn't she one of them back then?"

"Yes.. and it seems like she's coming back and trying to seduce Konoha men... so shameful. I feel bad for the Nara clan having their name tainted like that"

That comment made Temari angry and she felt like punching the old lady in the face. But she decided to stopped herself.

She needs to calm down.
Nevertheless, she is so fed up with everyone judging her. It feels like she is always doing something wrong and no one ever wants to be nice to her.
Her fists are clenching tight. Her nails digging into her palms. She needs to get out of this store as fast as possible.
With determination written all over her face, Temari continues to pays for her groceries.

The stall vendor isn't very nice at all. She's mean. Not only to her customers but she was rude to Temari. The whispering behind her back is getting worse and she couldn't take it anymore. After paying for her items, Temari turn her back and stares angrily to the gossiping ladies.

"Do you need something from me?" she tries to be as polite as possible.

Temari could see how shocked they looked with her sudden outburst. But one of the older women recovers her composure first.
"You must be mistaken. We were merely making idle conversation" she stammered, avoiding eye contact and picking up the vegetables she was buying.

Temari glared at her. "Are you sure?" She asked sternly.

Suddenly a big, rough hand, rest on Temari's shoulder. It's Shikamaru.

His face is blank and he's glaring fiercely at the older woman. "Is there any problem?" His voice laced with venom and threatening.

The older woman gulped nervously, "No problem, young man," she squeaked. The group looks scared of the Nara heir who appear suddenly and left hurriedly.

Shikamaru grabs Temari's wrist and say, "I told you to stay at home! Are you okay?"

Temari didn't answer. She couldn't even look straight at him. She doesn't understand how he managed to come here so quick. Like he can read her mind.

"I'm on my way to Gai Sensei to deliver something from Lord Sixth.. And then i saw you being bullied by those old woman! How dare they treat you this way..." He stops short once he notices that his girlfriend still hasn't answered his question.

"The gossip will be dead by itself once they found another scandal to pry... it's just be a matter of time, ok?" Shikamaru continues.

"I don't think it is embarassing to carry the child of a person i love so much. I decided to show it and wouldn't mind sharing it with the whole village" Temari replies, finally taking a glimpse of the boy she loves.
He smiles softly.

"Wait for me at home, I'll be back and pick you up at 6. I reserved dinner at the Yakiniku place with Chouji and Ino. Chouji is dense and I thought I should break the news to him first."
He places a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Ok." Temari nods in agreement and watches as Shikamaru disappears inside the crowd.

Chouji loves Yakiniku. Especially when someone else is paying. Closing a hard days work with a feast, with his teammate, is the best.

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