how about we shake on it?

En başından başla

"Who could be calling...?" Y/N wonders, fishing her work phone out of her bag. It was an unregistered number, and she frowns at it momentarily, before hitting the answer and bringing it to her ear.

"Hon-Yeon-Ilchi Designs, how may I help you?" Y/N replies, voice clipped and professional. Hey, she might still be a high schooler, but she's had her work for two, almost three years now. She knows how to be professional.

"Um, L/N-ssi? This is Kwon Sung."

.... Who?

"Good evening Kwon-ssi, how may I help you?" Y/N replies, trying to rack her brain for any Sung Kwon that she's worked with before. Or maybe a new client...? She's been doing a bit of networking the past week, so maybe it's from one of those...

"Uh, you remember the guy with glasses? The one who's friend with Vin- uh, with Ttalgi-ssi?"

.... Oh.


"Ah. Angyeong-ssi." Y/N honestly doesn't know whether to hang up the call and bleach the call from her mind, or chew out the guy and be smug about it for days.

But as Y/N is a professional, she does neither.

"Good evening. Forgive me for not recognizing you straight away." Y/N replies instead, her best customer service on. "Is there I can help you with? You called rather... late."

Okay so maybe she's being petty. Just a little bit.

Kwon-ssi, or rather, Angyeong-ssi laughs nervously over the phone. Sheepish in his embarrassment and realizing it. "Yeah, there's... There's been a problem the past week. It's actually what I was wanting to talk to you about. In person."

Y/N frowns, because...

Something happened the past week? That held Angyeong-ssi - and most likely Ttalgi-ssi - back from contacting her? Concern wins over being a petty bitch, and so Y/N says;

"Sure, but you'd better pay for dinner." Y/N replies coolly, looking at her wrist watch and mentally listing food places that would still be open - or would just about to open - at this hour. "Is that agreeable?"

Y/N could actually hear Angyeong-ssi's hesitation over the line, and she feels just a little bit sorry. Just a little.

"Okay, sure." Angyeong-ssi agrees in the end, voice nicely covering his trepidation, and Y/N feels bad for smiling at the way she made someone sweat in nervousness. "Send me an address; I'll meet you there."

Because Y/N isn't a complete sadist - at least, not yet - she actually just crosses the street and enters the KFC branch she found. Angyeong-ssi is probably fearing for his life right now, thinking she'll pick some sort of high end restaurant, and Y/N might be enjoying herself a little bit too much with scaring him. She sends him the address - hopefully he doesn't recognize the address - and she settles in to wait. Who knows how long that guy will take to get here? Definitely not Y/N. So she settles in to wait, using the chance to answer a few emails and even opening her KakaoTalk to chat with the classmates she went out with earlier. She gave them her personal number earlier, and it goes to show how much those girls are fast with their phones with how Y/N's messaging app is already flooded with new messages.

Working through all those messages apparently took a while - or maybe not at all, Y/N lost track of time - but soon enough someone slips into the seat opposite hers and-

"Angyeong-ssi," Y/N greets, mildly surprised. She dips her head in greeting, because petty she may be, she still knows how to pay her respects. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me here."

Red Thread of Fate [Vinny x Fem!Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin