In Pursuit of Happiness - 14

Start from the beginning

"What?" Cha Mi-jo asked.

"Nothing." But Mi-jo insisted since she was getting bothered by his gazes. "I miss us being like this. Golf has always been our thing."

Cha Mi-jo rolled her eyes but didn't take offense. Still, she felt the need to correct him. "Golf has always been MY thing. It just so happened that you have the same interest."

"And it bonded us," Kim Seon-woo said. "Can it bond us again?"


"I was just thinking that we could go a few rounds while I'm here in the city?" He asked.

Cha Mi-jo shrugged, focused on her form. "I don't know. It depends if I have time."

But Kim Seon-woo was persistent. Dropping her off at her apartment, he kept asking, "Cha Mi-jo, come on! I'll be here for a few days. Let's do stuff we used to like. Come on!"

"Kim Seon-woo, I have a busy life. Like I said, if I have time, maybe I'll join you. But I have priorities to work around," Mi-jo stated.

"Alright. Here's my schedule. Let me know which ones you can join," Kim Seon-woo said, placing a slip of paper on her hand. Still holding on to her, he whispered, "I'm just realizing how much I miss you."

"AHEEEEEEEM!" a voice interrupted the moment as the door opened.

"Auntie Joo Hee, is your throat itchy?"

Cha Mi-jo turned to see Joo Hee and Hoon standing wide-eyed by the doorway, watching her and Kim Seon-woo. Pulling away, Mi-jo greeted, "Hi Hoonie! Why is Auntie Joo Hee here? Where's Appa?"

"He has a meeting that's long," Hoon replied. "But he promised he'll be home for dinner."

Mi-jo nodded. "Alright. Let's go in. Say goodbye to Teacher Kim."

"Bye-bye, Teacher Kim!" Hoon obeyed, waving to the man before running inside their home.

When the door was shut, Joo Hee crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Mi-jo. "Will you tell me why you were holding hands when I found you guys?"

"We were not!" Mi-jo denied vehemently. "He gave me this paper and held onto me. I wasn't holding his hand."

"Fine," Joo Hee let the moment she witness go. Knowing Mi-jo, she was honest with her relations with men and was only ever elusive with Agent Dae-sik. "But, I feel like Kim Seon-woo might cause trouble, Mi-jo-ah."

"Joo Hee, we both know Kim Seon-woo. He's a good guy even if he and I didn't work out," Mi-jo said.

"I know and I'm not saying he would purposely cause an issue," Joo Hee said. "But his actions might cause unwanted misunderstandings."

"Are misunderstandings ever wanted?" Mi-jo asked.

"Tsk. Fine. Don't come running to me if Agent Dae-sik stops making babies with you!" Joining Hoon in the living room again, Joo Hee said to Mi-jo in hushed tones only she could hear, "I smell trouble. Be careful, Cha Mi-jo."

"I'm so happy you're home early, Eomma! Appa and I missed you so much," Hoon said, hugging his mom's leg.

"I'm sorry I was busy this week, Hoon-ah," Cha Mi-jo apologised. "I'll try not to miss dinner anymore, ok?"

But, Cha Mi-jo did miss dinner and a couple of dates with Dae-sik.

Work at the clinic picked up because of the new laser they acquired and the influx of clients it brought who wanted to try it. Then, she had to keep up the golf appointments she made.

"Hi, Eomma!" Hoon greeted when he and Dae-sik dropped by the office one afternoon. "Appa said you'll stay late at the clinic again so we're passing by just to see you." Running to Cha Mi-jo, Hoon hugged her tightly. "I miss you, Eomma!"

"Oh, Hoon," Cha Mi-jo sighed, guilty that work piled up and she wasn't there for Hoon. "Another week and I promise we'll go to that camping we've been meaning to go to."

"Uju and his Appa are going this weekend and they invited us. Can Appa and I go, Eomma? Then we can go again when you're not busy anymore," Hoon offered. "Please, Eomma?"

Dae-sik held Cha Mi-jo's hand. "Do you mind? Hoon's been doing good in his homework and the teacher in school is all praises for him. I thought it would be a good reward for him. But, of course, we understand if you say no. Right, Hoon?"

"Right, Appa!" Hoon assured. "Eomma is always looking out for what's best for me."

Mi-jo's heart melted. How could she be so lucky with a son like Hoon and a partner like Dae-sik? "I would want to join... can you boys promise me we'll go to a family camping with the three of us next time?"

"YES, Eomma!" Hoon replied.

"I'll leave the map for you so that you can catch up if work ends early," Dae-sik promised. "But, yes, we'll plan something for the three of us."

Cha Mi-jo sighed. "I'll try. So, I'll miss you guys for the weekend? I'll be alone?"

Dae-sik wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "Sorry. Go out with me next week?"

"I will. I'm sorry I've been missing so many dates," Mi-jo told him.

"Don't worry. I'll be here," he said. Looking deeply into her eyes, he whispered, "We'll catch up soon. I miss you, Mi-jo."

Cha Mi-jo pouted. "I miss you."

"Can I join the hug, too?!" Hoon asked, making the adults laugh. When Dae-sik picked him up, they all hugged and Hoon gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for working so hard so that I can have many toys, Eomma. But I don't need more toys. Can we have dinner as a family soon?"

That statement broke Cha Mi-jo's heart. "We will. Let's do that before you leave for camping, okay?"

Dae-sik sprung to action. "I'll buy the food so that no one has to cook. Hoon-ah, will you help me set the table at home?"

"Yes, Appa!"

"I'll be there. I'll bring ice cream," Cha Mi-jo said.

Finally, for the first time in over a week, the three of them had dinner at home where Hoon regaled Mi-jo with stories of his adventures with Appa. At the end of the night, Hoon was muttering in his sleep, "This is the happiest day!"

No one would have guessed that a week later, Cha Mi-jo would tearfully be telling Park Dae-sik, "I don't think I can do this, Dae-sik."

"What do you mean, Cha Mi-jo?"

"Maybe we need a break."

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