royale ball

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3rd person:
As the royale ball started y/n looked at herself in the mirror and just cried. "I cant do this!" Then there was a knock at the door. *knock knock*. "Y/n its me your father, are you ready yet brat". Y/n wiped her tears and hurried to the door."im ready father". Y/n and her father walked down to the ballroom. "May i present to you the king and the princess". As y/n walked down the stairs she could hear everybody gasp.


after a while of dancing with a couple guys y/n came across one royale member in particular. His name was shoto todoromi of the todorki household. "Pleasure to meet you ms. Y/n". "Shoto!! Its you i haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Y/n and todoroki are best friends since both of their fathers were trading partner's. "Ive been amazing, and may i say you look amazing". "You dont so bad yourself shoto". " you just made my night alittle better." "Oh, is that so, oh i almost forgo happy birthday, here i got you a gift". "Shoto its beautiful, you know i love ruby". Shoto had gotten her a ruby necklace. "Well my father threw this whole party just to find me a husband but can i be real with you.... I dont want to get married." "Oh im sorry to here y/n i have to get going but if you need anything from me jusy let me know". Shoto walked away. Y/n knew if she didn't di anything sooner her dad was gonna end up picking someone for her. Y/n went up to her father. "Your majesty- i mean father, i would like to tell you that i will not be getting married and if you have a problem please let me know." "Y/n we have talked about this, your getting married!!" Y/n was so angry and hurt ice shot out of her hands "I SAID NO"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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