Best team

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Me and Cody have been working out a game plan for our match against the Hardy Boyz. Me and Jeff have had a few matches in the past so I knew some of his strategies. Between working out and stuff we would just have fun. He was just a fun person to be around. He actually cared about me. He was a goof ball and I felt like I could be myself around him. It was weird I've gotten so close to someone I met about 3 months ago. But we need to focus on tonight. We stretched and work out a bit before our match. After 20 min or so a guy came back and said we where on in 15 min "Thanks Stan we will be there in a second." He left and Cody patted my shoulder as we were walking to the gorilla. "So are you ready for our first match as "The fallen angels" " "Yeah I can't wait to get our first win."

We went out and the crowd crazy seeing us together. The Hardy Boyz were already in the ring. The match started Cody and Matt were legal. I paid close attention on how they fought. Cody had the upper hand until Jeff grabbed his ankle from the outside of the ring and Cody fell down and Matt was beating him. I ran at Jeff and beat the hell out of him before going back to my corner and got tagged in. Jeff was still on the ground so I was me and Matt I went at him and after getting a few hits in I trough him in the corner and tried to spear him. He moved and I hit my shoulder pretty hard. Matt went to pin me but I kicked out. I got up and hit him with a clothesline. And we keep going back and forth.

*Time skip*

Jeff and I were currently legal and I was standing my ground my arm was in so much pain from where I hit it. Jeff was tired and trying to get up. Matt ran in the ring went my back was turned but Cody saw him and attacked him. Both of them were on the ground Jeff was infront of me and Matt was by Cody. Me and Cody gave each other a look and and we both hit a Cross Rhodes on both of them. It hurt to do but I did and I pinned Jeff. 1...2...3 and we won our first match together. We hugged and went to the back. "Cody that was amazing!" " Yeah we nailed it out there. Hey is your arm okay?" "Yeah I think I just sprained it." "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'll be fine." I was pretty sure I just hurt it. Nothing to major. But it was nice to see how much he cared.

I went to the women's locker room and changed into my normal clothes and met up with Cody. We decided to go get dinner together. I let Cody pick and he chose a buffet so we could have whatever we wanted. It was so nice to have Cody around. I don't have that many people to just chill with. We ate and talked for a while then when we finished we payed and went to my place. Cody usually stayed at my place which I was completely fine with. I had a spare room he basically uses as his own room. Plus my cat Pixie liked him. And Cody's dog liked cats so it all worked out. I managed to get a picture of Cody holding my cat on time. (Imagine it's younger Cody)

I still tease him with that picture

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I still tease him with that picture. I heard a knock on my door and went to see who it was. It was Cody's brother Dustin or as he's known for Golddust. Me and him didn't talk a whole lot but we did a little. And he knows that Cody stays here most of the time "Hey Y/n is Cody here? He isn't answering his phone." Cody came out. "Sorry bro my phone is dead." "It's ok I just wanted to make sure you guys got home safe." "Yeah Goldy we're good." I said. "Are you ever going to stop calling me that." Golddust asked. "Nope." I said with a smile. After he left I went to bed. Ready to go to the gym tomorrow.

A/n thanks you for reading this chapter. I really have nothing to say today so bye bye ily<3

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