Beerus crashes the party! The Super Saiyan God Appears!

Start from the beginning

Bulma: Today's my birthday and we're a little party. You're both welcome to come join us.

Beerus: What generous offer thank you. Honesty nose has been tantalized by some most intriguing aromas since we came aboard.

Bulma: In that case let's go.

Vegeta: Wait!

Bulma, Beerus and Whis walked to the party. Vegeta had to make sure nothing at party would anger the god of destruction. 

Meanwhile on King Kai, Y/N is lying in a large crater and he's slowly regaining consciousness. When he opened his eyes he saw Goku and King Kai. Goku looked pretty beat after his fight with Beerus.

Y/N: (slowly sitting up)Ooow what happened?

King Kai: You both got your butts kicked that's what happen.

Y/N: For real, you lose too Goku?

Goku: Yeah I couldn't even land a punch on him. 

King Kai: I told you two that Beerus was on strongest in the universe. You're lucky had don't destroyer.

Y/N:(smiling) Yeah you were right King Kai. I can't believe that there's someone stronger than even than us. This is awesome!

Goku: Yeah but now what do we do? I the only I could boost my strength quickly would be to maybe fuse with Vegeta again. But I don't even think that would do the trick.

King Kai: Are you guys stupid?! You really want to fight him again?!

Y/N: And what was that Super Saiyan God stuff he was about? Is that a level I reach if I trained hard enough or it a name of a saiyan that didn't we never knew existed?

King Kai: wow you're beyond help.

Y/N: Hey where did Beerus go?

King Kai: He said he was heading to Earth to look for dad. I already warned him about Beerus. He the one I bet on stir up the most trouble not you two.

Y/N: Wait if he's on Earth! But everyone's still at the party! We gotta get down there.

Y/N tries to stand up but he struggle in pain. 

Goku: (handing him a senzu bean) Here you go.

Y/N: Thanks

Y/N ate the senzu bean and Goku ate one too. And just like that their injuries were healed and their energy was restored. 

Y/N: All right we should head back to Earth before Beerus snaps.

Goku: You're right. Let's go!

Goku and Y/N are using the instant transmission. They both placed their index and middle fingers on their forehead and concentrated on searching for ki on Earth. Then they felt a large amount ki coming from Majin Buu. 

Y/N: Master do you feel that?

Goku: I do. Buu must be fighting Beerus if his energy is that high. 

They then locked on to Buu's ki. Suddenly they used the instant transmission and teleported to earth. Y/N and Goku teleported on to top of the cruise ship. There they watch fight between Beerus and Buu. Goku and are waiting for an opening to attack the deity.  Buu sent multiple punches and kicks but Beerus easily dodges all of them. He then grabbed Buu by the head and threw him into the ocean. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks to fight the god.

Gotenks: You got about five seconds to start behaving or the great Gotenks is taking you to school!

Beerus: Funny kid, now move.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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