i. colliding.

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I am out in the dark, beneath the black sky.

I am darting trees.

With my heart pounding heavily.

The wind is whipping my hair back.

I am running.

Now, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

And well - let's drop the details, but as a conclusion, I woke up in a stranger's house, I almost got caught eating their muffins, I ran away.

Here I am now rushing through the empty roads of a no place.

I quicken my pace as the large clouds begin to gather in the sky.

Panting heavily, I mange to make a little stop by an oak tree. I put in the effort of a few other steps and throw myself off to the ground.


It takes me a while to collect my thoughts as I lay my back against the tree, gliding down with my heavy exhales.

Will this the end of my happy and blissful life? Ah, what a shame. Chaos never seems to take a break, leaving me with no break at all.

I shake my head and refresh my blurry memory, trying to remember how I ended up in such a scenario.

I sigh as I slowly grab the muffin I borrowed from the house. I was extremely tired to move any muscle at the moment.

Panting heavily, I take a bite out of the snack in my hand, fatigue taking over.

But suddenly, I put the muffin away and wipe my moistened face.

What was I thinking once I decided to run away from the old lady in the house? Or when I threw myself to the muddy grass that only made my face stink instead of actually getting up and facing the consequences of my miserable failure of traveling through the multiverse?

Oh of course.

The memories are now flooding in to my mind like the droplets of rain that are now covering half of my face.

Quentin Beck revealed Spider-Man's identity to the world, and now our friendly neighborhood Peter is unmasked and no longer able to live two lives, because of the high consequences of being a superhero. And it affected his, or more like our mutuals, including Ned, Mj, Aunt May, Happy, and the list goes on.

Peter turns to Doctor Strange to make the world forget that he is Spider-Man, but when the spell goes horribly wrong and shatters the multiverse, it starts bringing in monstrous villains that could destroy the world.

I've been having a bad day for several years now, sadly. Break the law at young age, they say.

But then, maybe I ended up here because I am meant to change paths and start over with my life again.

Anyways, long short story, but I survived. Just like I always do, and just exactly like how I will do right now.

I quickly finish eating my muffin, after I feel the increase of splatters of rain on my cheek.

The grass is now glossy, I have myself planted on the wet soil, my face pointed towards the sky, causing me to become half soaked, shivering in the cold air.

Maybe I have no choice but to engage in the real world again.

I then decide to get up, leaving the oak tree behind, otherwise I'd turn into a pool of mud.

I make my way to the nearest route leading to the middle of NewYork, the night sky now glowing with bright city lights.

I've got a such a hell lot of a long walk to do.

The air was bleak and cold. The city was unusually quiet if it wasn't for the heavy rain and a far sound of sirens.

I cross my fingers and sprint towards the low hum of the police cars, cold air biting my lungs.

I look around me, the neighboring houses along the muffled chatters floating from inside of houses. A scruffy stray cat on a lawn meows softly, and two kids on a porch shriek.

"A spider!"

"Kill it!"

"You kill it!"


Other than that, it's mostly quiet, just me and my shoes on the pools of water.

I feel myself walking closer to the source of the police sirens, and I stroll to the nearest to the curve, only to be met by people running throughout the streets.

I proceed over to the central of attention, where police cars taking over, not expecting to be greeted by two tall figures, preventing me from walking to the middle of the scene.

"What is a little girl like you walking around the streets with no company, in the middle of the night?" One of the middle aged man questions.

I gag, before straightening myself up. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"We come with the group of police officers who demanded an urgent vacuum from the neighborhood" the other man replies, nudging his partner. "For your safety, we order you to leave this for the wiser elders"

I noticed that there was something off with these men. They were insincere, and indeed not expressing their thought honestly. I stare at them harder.

All of a sudden, I felt a flash of strong light and hear the shattering of glass from a near building, and I finally understood. I have to think of something before it's too late, if it's not already.

"You're not actual police officers" I shake my head, slowly backing away. "Am I correct?"

"You're right madame" one of the men smirks rigidly. "We are not police officers. Now if you walk off quietly, we would not hunt you down"

I stay still in my place, not considering the threaten as I glare at the two individuals in front of me. The other man tilts his head, looking me in the eye, before he turns to his partner and nods.

"You had a choice, young lady" the other man hollers, taking a few steps closer before they held me by both of my arms, raising me off the ground.

"No! Don't - don't touch me!" I scream, flinching away from the two large figures, throwing kicks into the thin air. "Let me go!"

"We are not going to -" one of them starts, before I suddenly feel myself getting pushed backwards, only to be caught by the pair of arms of your one and only friendly neighborhood spiderman.

"What you did was really dangerous" a muffled voice says. "But, you're safe now"

My eyes open wide in shock. "They're not real officers" I silently whisper, exhausted.

"I would've used that information earlier" he chuckles under his mask. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm alright, actually" I chortle "I only screamed to grab your attention about the two men here"

I then take a proper look at a masked guy holding me. "Took you long enough to change your suit already" I sneer as I jump out of his grasp.

Spiderman peers intently at me, before stopping in his tracks. "What are you talking about?"

"Your suit, Peter" I simply state, swinging around in my place.

"I beg your pardon? How do you know my name?" he cries out in bitterness, taking a defensive step closer.

"Peter, are you going mad?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"Who the hell are you?"

I pause in my place, thinking for a moment. I was taken aback by his words, a look of puzzlement crossing my face.

"Oh no, we've gotta do this a different way, Peter"

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