How many things do they keep from each other? Next to nothing.

A proposal, however, must be a surprise.

"Oh my God, he's going to propose to me."

Donghyuck runs his hands through his hair and stares at the ceiling. The fridge whirs, laughing. He takes a deep breath.

"No, don't be silly." He gets up and opens the freezer. The tub of cookie dough ice cream awaits, and the chill fans over his face to knock some sense into him before his mind runs away again. "I'm going to propose to him."

Donghyuck pulls the notebook from the depths of his side of the wardrobe and flicks through what he has so far. They have yet to hear back from the plane company, but he's started the banner design anyway. Bright pink hearts, golden sunflowers, blue glitter for The Question. That morning once Taeil had left for work, he practiced the words in front of the bathroom mirror. He's said them before but now that they matter, now that it's all real, he wants to get them right. Combining sincerity and softness is an art. He only gets one shot. He'll have to get his friends to role play with him. So that'll be Renjun, basically.

He distracts himself by browsing the internet for yellow balloons and decorations until Taeil returns home. The jangle of the elder's keys is like music to his ears, especially since he was expecting to have a longer wait.

"I missed you!" Donghyuck bounds into the hallway, but halts when he notices the blush on Taeil's cheeks. The elder has his arms behind his back.

"Hello, baby. I'm so sorry I'm late. I just need to... sort this out... give me a sec and I'll give you all the kisses you want." Taeil laughs, forced through an awkward smile, and he sidesteps past Donghyuck, back pressed against the wall. The younger can see the shopping bag because he does a terrible job of hiding it, but the white plastic has no logo to give anything away and Donghyuck can only stand in shock while his boyfriend disappears into the spare bedroom. The door shuts.

Donghyuck wants to knock or follow him in but doesn't. He should trust his instincts. They tell him it's nothing to worry about, so he heads into the kitchen to prepare the ice cream. He loves surprises. It'll be fine. He grabs two bowls and spoons although he knows they'll end up eating it straight from the tub, then lights the candle in the centre of the table. It's not scented, but as the sun sets it creates a glowing haze, like a personal bubble even if no one else lives with them. Donghyuck loves their Friday night tradition of ice cream and deep conversation.

"Come here." Taeil hugs him from behind and Donghyuck leans into his chest, eyes fluttering shut, then he twists to hug his boyfriend back. His worries dissipate for relief and content delight to take their place. "I love you." Taeil kisses his forehead between each word. Donghyuck's cheeks ache from smiling so hard.

"I love you too, babe. Don't worry about being late. It was only twenty minutes. It's alright." Donghyuck reassures him. Taeil sways from side to side and the younger moves with him as though dancing to music only they can hear. Perhaps to the rhythm of their hearts beating in unison, or of their relaxed breaths.

"Thank you, Hyuckie." Taeil catches his lips this time and Donghyuck releases a small sigh, which allows space for the elder's tongue to finds its way into his mouth and it sends a jolt of bliss down both their spines. They part, breathless, and rest their foreheads together to bathe in the euphoria of being together for a while.

"Ice cream?" Donghyuck whispers.

"Of course." Taeil smiles back, breath tickling the younger's lips from their proximity.

They sit down, Dongyhyuck slides a spoon across the table to his boyfriend and they start to eat.

"What do you wanna do for our anniversary?"

Donghyuck pauses mid-scoop and his eyebrows climb up his forehead. He hopes the sudden jolt of panic in his gut doesn't show on his expression. He eats the spoonful of ice cream to gain some thinking time.

"You didn't forget, did you?" Taeil asks when the younger doesn't reply, but it's teasing and the eye roll that follows shows he doesn't really think that. Donghyuck laughs and licks his spoon clean, suddenly nervous.

"Nope. I just... haven't put much thought into it. I'm sorry." The proposal plan had totally overshadowed the event, and only now he realises he could have set it as the proposal date. That would've been cute. But it's only a week away; it's too soon to get everything organised in time. Regret sours the next helping of ice cream.

"No worries. I don't have any plans, either." Taeil shrugs.

Donghyuck watches him reach for a generous scoop. The shrug was also suspicious, he's sure of it. Taeil doesn't look at him while he eats, and Donghyuck doesn't believe he doesn't have any plans. The shopping bag must be related. It's probably just an anniversary present. The realisation brings a pinch of disappointment that he despises because Taeil always treats him well and he's so, so grateful for every gift he receives, but his hope keeps him on edge. Just in case.

"We could go out to eat, as we always do. It doesn't have to be anything special or different. It's always nice, isn't it, baby?" Taeil speaks again, and when Donghyuck meets his eyes he understands that his boyfriend really hasn't planned anything. He curls his toes, fluffy socks too hot now.

"I'd love that." He really would. "We could go somewhere different. We could go down south and book a hotel for a night or two." He formulates the plan as he speaks, and he's infused with a new burst of excitement because Taeil's face lights up, just as enthralled by the suggestion.

They discuss destinations for a few minutes until Donghyuck's spoon hits the bottom of the ice cream tub and he pouts. Finishing the ice cream always has his bottom lip jutting out. Taeil leans over to kiss a smile back onto his face.

"We could do another fake proposal since it's nowhere we've been before." The smile fades again, but Donghyuck doesn't want to sadden his boyfriend so he chooses his words with caution.

"Could we maybe just go out to eat without all that fuss? We love all the restaurants round here." His voice nearly fails him by threatening to crack because he speaks so quietly, but he keeps his eyes locked with Taeil's and elder nods, gaze soft in return. Donghyuck relaxes, although his eyebrows remain knotted together and apprehension burdens his heartbeat.

"Of course. It's only a bit of fun anyway, so we don't have to do it every time. Any date with you is precious regardless, Hyuckie." Taeil stands to wrap his arms around the younger's shoulders, pressing kisses to the top of his head.

The fake proposals were fun at first. Now, the mere idea has Donghyuck's stomach rolling from the pain of it all being a script they've acted out too many times. It's hard to convince himself that the free desserts are even worth it anymore. He's so, so desperate to call Taeil his husband. His greed for a real ring is even more persistent than his greed for ice cream. Kissing Taeil's hand, thoughts about the upcoming weeks comfort him.

One more anniversary, then he can propose for real. The next time there's a black box in his pocket it'll be real. The next time he's on one knee, besides his rehearsals in front of the mirror, his skin will be tingling with much more anxiety than usual because it'll be real. The response will matter. And the ring will stay on Taeil's finger.

"Stop thinking so hard." Taeil mumbles, lethargic. Donghyuck can hear the smile in his voice, can tell he's got his eyes closed, and as predicted, he also starts humming a moment later.


Donghyuck closes his eyes too and sketches out harmonises to complement the song his boyfriend improvises. He could sit in his arms all day every day and be perfectly content. He imagines they're sat at the top of the hill under a rose arch, birds singing love songs from the tops of the trees amongst golden balloons and flowers while they write their wedding vows.

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