Chapter 41. Calling Dr. Phil

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Mollys Point of view:

Hey guys what are you doing? We're just watching Dr. Phil videos. Also we're watching the Drake & Josh episode that she was in. Sounds fun. Yeah it is.

Lizzy to Mikael:

Are you noticing something? Oh yeah. The depression is really getting to her, and it shows a lot. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We should call Dr. Phil? Yep, call Dr. Phil. I think she can be a very good help for Molly. Yeah and she can actually speak her mind and tell her what's the problem.

Four hours later.

Mikael's pov:

Molly, boy do I have a surprise for you. Guess what Elizabeth and I did for you. What is The surprise? We are going to see Dr. Phil!!!!!!!!!!!! Really? Yes of course. We wanted to help you with your depression and we thought Dr. Phil would be the best person to speak to about what you're going through. Awww thank you so much you guys. So when do we leave? In about 15 minutes. OK.

15 minutes later.

The Dr. Phil show:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the doctor Phil show. My guest this evening is a outspoken, intelligent, and very unique and attractive Young lady. She is in four years old of age. Please welcome to the stage:

Molly Sheppard.

Dr. Phils pov:

Hello Molly and welcome to the show. Thank you for having me. It's an honor to be here. I've been a fan of you for a long time and I have wanted to come see you and speak with you for a while now. Well? Do you have the floor miss Sheppard. What seems to be your problem? Well you see. I have this thing called depression. And every time, it's like I'm always depressed about mostly anything and I'm just not happy with myself. When did this start for you? It started after my fiancé was being a jerk and he called me a bunch of horrible horrible names. Yes I understand. We have all been through bad relationships and they have not worked out for the best of us. But do you know something? Men and women are all equals. But the difference is, we women are strong as one, and we have power. We have the power to stand up for what we believe in and never, ever put ourselves down. So that leads me to my question Dr. Phil. When you feel upset about something. How do you not let it bother you? I just think about some thing that brings me peace and happiness, and I use that as motivation so that I will never feel sad it's in my nature. Sometimes I also do meditation exercises and that helps a lot. If you're struggling with something just always do some exercises that will let you know that you can succeed your goals. Thank you so much for those inspirational words of wisdom. I will use that. And you're right. Period and you know what? Tell me. I don't need a man to make me happy. I got my family. And I have friends that support me. I'm going to do what I want to do and no one is going to stop me from me being me. Oh yes and before I go. I would like to introduce all of you to my sister Elizabeth, and her husband Mikael. They love your show as well. They're in the audience.

They wave and smile. Dr. Phil it was a pleasure being here again and thank you so much.

Molly? You did absolutely incredible. You weren't nervous. You stood your ground. And we are so so proud of you. Thank you so much Mikael. I agree with Mikael. We have never been prouder, now let's go eat I think we're all starving after a horrendous day like today. Agreed. Let's go home.

20 minutes later.

They arrived home, and they had a fantastic day especially meeting Dr. Phil and being on her show.

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