My Valentine's Day with Andy Brown

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A/N: As English is not my first language there may be mistakes though I try my best to avoid! It's my first time to write so I hope my readers can give me some comments! It's a trial for me to write fan fics I may start a long one if people like it!!:)


As I get off the bed, I look at the calendar, it's the 14th February. My heart beats faster as I realise the date, because this is my first ever Valentine's Day which I got to spend with my valentine! Random thoughts about what would happen today run through my head like crazy. I am looking forward to almost everything!

After spending half an hour making myself look presentable, I sit in front of my laptop and scroll through twitter. Yea it's a part of the daily routine. Seeing loads of "Happy Valentine's Day" makes me so excited about today. As I scroll through, I see a tweet which doesn't only give me excitement, but with warmth. "@LawsonAndy: Getting ready to see my valentine!" I quickly retweet and favourite it.

As my hand get off my laptop, I hear a knock on my door. Aw! He's here! I ran to the door at the speed of light and opened it. All I can see is a big brunch of roses with a card on them.

"Surprise!" says Andy Brown, my sweet valentine. I take the flower and kiss his lips. "Thank you. It's lovely!" I say with a big grin on my face and put the roses into the vase.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks. I nod and take his hand, and then we go out of my home with big grins on our faces. Today is going to be good!

First we drive to a decent café for our breakfast. He has already made the order, I am having my favourite tuna sandwich and he is having a bacon sandwich. This is the sweetest breakfast ever.

After we are filled with food, we drive to a studio. It is not a big one but it is indeed a good one. There is an instrument room displaying all the guitars, basses, and other instruments you will ever need to record a song. The next door is a recording room with only a microphone and a music stand in the middle of it. As I am still in awe of this beautiful studio, Andy has already grabbed a guitar and started singing,

"Everywhere you go, my heart will follow,

Down this broken road, I will be your shadow.

When your heart is burning cold, and your world keeps throwing stones,

Everywhere you go, I'll be there.

I'll be there when your heart is breaking,

I'll be there when your walls are shaking.

I'll be there when your hope is fading, oh.

No matter where you are,

No matter what you do,

A thousand miles apart, I'll be there"

As he finishes the last note I am buried in tears. "Thank you. I really love it," I say as I look at his eyes. He comes to me and wipes away my tears. "I am glad you like it, it's called Everywhere You Go which is written for you, my gorgeous girl." I can't help but smile at this, this is so sweet. "I love you!" I whisper as I kiss him.

We really love this atmosphere and making sweet love songs, so we spend the next hours in the studio jamming and writing a few songs. The songs may not be good, but we really like them because they are the evidence of our love, especially Are You Ready.

Time flies. It is total darkness outside after we have done the songs. Our tummies start complaining about our neglecting and cannot stop making noises. We laugh at each other and leave for our dinner.

We have our Valentine's Day dinner at a Italian restaurant, he knows I love pasta. We have a Valentine Set with salad, pasta, dessert and a bottle of red wine. The meal is delicious and the atmosphere is so romantic that everything smells sweet in it.

Andy takes me to the beach after the dinner. We sit in the middle of the beach, smell the fresh air from the sea and look at the sky with shining stars. The sky is so beautiful. You cannot see so many stars in the sky above the city centre because of the lights everywhere. We spend hours enjoying this magnificent view and chatting about everything, from our past to recent. I have known more about my boyfriend and he has definitely known more about me too! It's cute.

It's getting late so we decide to go home. Andy drives me back to mine before he heads to his. "Goodnight my baby girl," he whisper at my ear and hold me tightly in his arms. "Goodnight Andy. I will miss you." I reply, enjoying our hug. We have our goodbye kiss at the door and I am ready to get into my home alone. Suddenly I hear Andy says "Can I stay here tonight?" I am a bit shocked to hear this so I cannot reply him instantly. He turned away disappointedly before I can response to it. I ran after him and hold him from his back. "Of course you can." I shout with nerves. He freezes, making me more nervous. After a few seconds he turns around and holds me up in bridal style. "Thank you. We will have a good night together" He says with a wink and brings me into my home.

You know what happens afterwards:)


A/N: Comments are much appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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