"Yes Hunter. I'm leaving. But this stays between the two of us. Do you understand?"

"So, this is goodbye?" Hunter looked up at her tears in his eyes.

"Yes. This is goodbye." Raven left Hunter. She was leaving now. It wasn't the first time and it would be the last.

(Present Day)

Raven threw her head back in pleasure as her orgasm ran through her. Both of Jay's hands covered her breasts, "Fuck I love seeing your O-face as you ride me." He groaned as he reached his climax. His cock slipped from her wet folds Raven collapsed next to him. They'd been fucking all day, and this was the most intense orgasm she had had yet. Jay got up from the bed, Raven eyed his body hungrily, he wasn't bad looking for his age of one hundred and fifty. He looked like any other forty-five-year-old man. Hair slightly graying on the sides.

"Your leaving?"

"As much as I'd love to fuck you again my dear, I have Alpha stuff that I have been putting off." He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. She couldn't blame him after all she was using him just as he was using her, but he knew up front that she wanted as platonic of a relationship she could get. With the occasional sex every now and then. And then he approached her with the idea of being his chosen mate. And with his mark she would be able to bare pups. Deep down she wanted a child. Raven was ready to be a mother, at least she thought so.

"You're just lucky I'm not wearing your mark and I'm not in heat." She muttered.

"Dear when that time comes, I will gladly pound my cock into your tight pussy until your full of my cum." He gave her a weird smile. One that seemed to put her on edge, but she wasn't entirely sure why. Then there was the thought that was always there. Hunter. He would be turning twenty-one soon within the next forty-eight hours if she was correct. She'd have to go back and reject him. Her wolf Angel whimpered in her head at the thought.

'We're doing the right thing by rejecting him.' Raven told her.

'I know it just feels wrong.'

'We have forty-eight hours to figure out how we want to proceed.' Raven got up from the bed walking into the shower, to wash off the cum that was dripping from her cunt. Raven wasn't to concern about unwanted pregnancy one of the good things about being a she-wolf. As long as they weren't mark their body rejected any seed that found its way to the womb. But it was double in her case. She had to be marked and mark the wolf as her mate. After all she was born on the blood moon lunar eclipse. Being born on either was a blessing. But together it was a curse. At least that's what the pack oracle had told her parents. The moon had turned red as she had taken her first breath. The oracle had warned the beta's family of the curse and it wasn't until her first shift that they knew the extent of the damage that had been done.

Her shift had been long and more painful than normal. Once it was over the pack doctor had examined her. And told her parents that it had seemed that her wolf form was as weak as a human and her human form was as strong as the normal werewolf. She to some could be considered dangerous. Upon her birth it had seemed that all her abilities and senses had been switched when asked if there was anything that they could do to help their daughter they were told only the moon goddess could help Raven.

So, her father decided he was going to treat her as any other child that he had. Even her brother who was fifteen years older than her went out of his way to treat her as normal when he didn't have to. With the teachings from her father, she became the pack strategist. Then Leo had taken over, met Zack and the rest was basically history. Raven stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel as she walked in front of the mirror. She had changed in the fast sixteen years. One side of her hair was purple the other black. And she had recently gotten a nose ring to add to the lip rings she already had.

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