Chapter 2

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It's been a few months since the little "incident" with Mick and Tommy.

None of them discussed what happened. But they both began to see things in a different way.

Mick can't get his bandmate out of his head.

And besides, Mick has to admit since then he sees Tommy differently. He doesn't just look like his stupid bandmate anymore. He feels strong emotions for him. Something he had never felt before.

Since then, they've both tried to pretend that nothing happened. They don't want to gain suspicion among their other bandmates.

However, Mick cannot find peace. He is still trying to focus on the band and his career.

Now they are all on tour and they just finished performing.

After a wild night, as they know how to spend it after a show, the morning came and Mick is the first to wake up and go look for his band mates in the hotel where they were staying.

First time he finds Vince and Nikki both sleeping in the same bed full of women who are also sleeping.

Their manager, Allen, walks quickly to Mick with a worried look.

"Did something happen?" Mick asks curiously.

"I can't find Tommy! Where the hell is this child?"

"He must be here somewhere," Mick says, not at all worried. "He must be nearby."

"I don't know... But I can't find him," there is a concern on the manager's face. "Can you help me find him?"

"It's like I have a choice," Mick sighs slightly.

Together with the manager, he set off in search of Tommy. He knocks on every door of the hotel. This man is not to be found! Mick comes to a conclusion. Where can he be?

Suddenly he hears a voice. He looks to the right where the voice comes from. It's Tommy's voice!

Mick speeds up and reaches a room that has an open door. He looks inside intently and sees Tommy pinned to the bed, almost naked with his hands handcuffed.

The man can't help but snort with laughter. Tommy notices him instantly and rolls his eyes. This isn't the first time this has happened to Tommy. A while ago, it happened to him that a groupie tied him up with handcuffs and left him. But this is the first time Mick has found him like this.

"Very funny, old man."

Mick takes his serious, mature expression, approaches the bed where Tommy is lying, and says looking angrily but speaking calmy:

"I told you not to call me that."

"And what are you going to do to me?" Tommy rises an eyebrow, as if forgetting the situation he is in and that he needs help.

"I'm the only person who's found you so far," Mick says, and leans a little toward Tommy, his blue eyes intimidating Tommy's brown ones. "I think you want to stay here, I guess."

Tommy intends to say something to him, but he stops, noticing how close Mick is to him. He feels vulnerable around him. He doesn't want to admit that deep down he has some new and unknown feelings for his bandmate. Something's wrong with him. Most likely with them because Mick seems to be getting even closer to him.

Mick's blue eyes descend to his bare abdomen. Tommy wears only boxers.

Mick remembers that night when Tommy complimented his eyes. Oh, he wants to do the same compliment to him, looking deep into his dark brown eyes that has a golden glow.

"Are you helping me or not?" Tommy asks him authoritatively, feeling nervous by his intense gaze on him and his body leaning so close to him.

Mick comes to his senses, wincing slightly and handcuffing him. He sets aside a little. He feels his head spin and the space in the room becomes tighter. Although he is far from Tommy, he feels so close to him.

Mick tries hard to concentrate because Tommy sees how agitated he is.

Mick watches Tommy walk to the bathroom. He hears Tommy turning on the water in the shower and walks to the bathroom door. 

"Allen has been looking for you all over the hotel," Mick tells him. 

"Well, tell him you found me."

When Mick reaches the bathroom, the door is open and he sees Tommy undressing and preparing to enter in the shower. Just then his band mate turns his head, strands of his brown hair falling on his bare shoulders, inciting Mick even more. 

"Hey, man. What'sup?" Tommy asks, noticing Mick staring at him. 

"Nothing...I...I'm going to leave," Mick stutters and leaves immediately, leaving Tommy as bewildered as possible.

After he leaves, Tommy enters the shower, but not before muttering:

"What the fuck was that?"

But he had to admit that he felt like he was losing his senses when Mick leaned over him. He could even feel his hot breath. The warmth of his eyes overwhelmed him.

Tommy shakes his head because such thoughts just turns him on.

And yet why does he feel that way for his bandmate who is much older than him? What's wrong with him? It started that night ... Is it possible that he actually felt something for Mick before then? How could he be attracted to his bandmate? Is Mick attracted to him too? These thoughts do not give him peace.


From that incident, Mick and Tommy kept their distance and did not talk about the incident in that room.

Now all four are in the car, to the next city where they will perform.

In the limousine, Tommy and Mick stay away from each other and don't say a word. They don't even look at each other.

Nikki is the first to notice this and starts saying:

"Mick? Tommy? What's wrong with you guys? You don't even look at each other."

Vince winces and looks curiously at the other two bandmates, as Nikki says, seem extremely silent and do not talk to each other.

"Did you fight or something?" Vince asks, frowning.

"No," Mick replies promptly. "We are fine. Where did this come from?"

"Yes, that's right," Tommy mutters and looks out the window, wanting everyone to leave this topic of discussion.

"Listen here!" Nikki raises his voice. "I don't want any fucking conflict in the band, ok? We still joke and make fun of each other and swear at each other, but I don't want any fight between us. We are Motley Fucking Crue! Got it?!"

Vince nods and looks at Tommy and Mick, waiting for an affirmation. 

The two look at each other at last after so much ignorance. 

"You don't have to worry," Mick says calmly, looking into Tommy's eyes. 

"As he says," Tommy says firmly. 

The discussion ends with satisfactory answers, but there is a trace of doubt in Nikki's mind. He may feel that something is wrong with his two bandmates for a while. And he doesn't understand what it would be the reason.

The only ones who know what's going on are Tommy and Mick. Although they don't talk to each other, not even looking at each other, they both think about the incident in the room where Mick found Tommy. And then the part where Mick stared at Tommy's naked, skinny body. Both cannot drive away these thoughts.


Oh, God. I can't believe I was able to post the second chapter so quickly. I need your opinions! What do you think so far?

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