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The two kids woke up with bangs on the 'cupboard under the stairs'
"Up" "Get up now!" She said turning on the light. Violet groaned as she woke up while harry was putting his glasses on.

Soon both of them heard their cousin Dudley running down the stairs, "Wake up cousins; we're going to the zoo" Violet groaned again as both of them got out because of the dirt falling on them.

As they both entered the room, they saw their aunt and uncle wishing their son a happy birthday. "Why don't you cook the breakfast and not try to burn anything." "Yes Aunt Petunia." The girl replied, as she cooked the bacon, "hurry up, bring my coffee boy" "Yes, uncle Vernon" the boy too, replied.

The two siblings did their work while their cousin was bursting angrily because he didn't get enough presents this year.

All of them came out of the house to get into the car when Vernon stopped both Harry and Violet as he began his lecture "I'm warning you now, you both. Any funny business, any at all, and you won't have meals for a week." He warned the potter siblings as they got into the car.

As they arrived; Dudley ran in, then he was screaming at a snake and telling it to move, "he's asleep" said harry; as Little Violet moved on to the other cages to see other things rather than scary snakes, soon she turns around to see her brother fallen and Big Dudley screaming and telling his parents what the snake was doing.

Just before she could help her brother up she looked up and saw her cousin fall inside the cage and the snake coming out, scared she moved away and heard harry say something in gibberish after the snake hissed at him.
As soon as they reached home; clearly angry their uncle Vernon was holding both of their's ear; Violet was hissing in pain while harry said he didn't do anything nor did his sister, soon the drama was over.
The next morning harry went to get the mails while his sister was helping their aunt to dye Dudley's old school uniforms.

The little girl was doing so when she saw her cousin yelling and snatching the letter in Harry's hand as harry yelled back it was his. She came near to her aunt as she read who it was from, "Hogwars?" She read.

Their uncle never seemed to let Harry read or touch any of the letters which came 'everyday', he either burnt them or tore em, never gave one to harry.
It was a Saturday night when the two siblings were talking about the letter before going to bed "I clearly read it Harry it said Hogwars" said little Violet the 30th time to Harry as he nodded again and again to assure her that he understood but the girl kept repeating.

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