4.) off-white lies

32 11 13

I'm fine,
I'm confident,
I'm mine
not the government's.
I'm nine
plus ten and intelligent.
I shine
in success and achievement.
No line
dividing me from me, bereavement.
No brine
coating my face, prominent.
I dine
with capability, competent.
I twine
art, extravagant.
My sign
reads "eloquent".
A vine
grows within me, excellent.
It's time
I became dominant,
It's time
I became independent,
It's time
I ripped my lips, sewn shut by my own hands,
bloodied and sore, red lands,
letting my lizard-long tongue pull through,


Random, Fun Fact: I Finished Writing this poem at 02:22

Random, Fun Fact: I Finished Writing this poem at 02:22

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