The Way I Feel Inside - Graham Coxon

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You nodded as your eyes dropped from him again, back the camera in your hand. "Ready as I'll ever be..." you started, looking at the lens of the camera with a frown on your face, "I just hope I don't break another lens this time." Flash backs from the last show sprung to your mind, being pushed by groupies on the opposite of the barrier, some weird jealousy issue is what you presume, caused you to drop, and shatter your lens.

Damon shrugged as he took another swig, "You'll be fine, stay away from the barrier though." He chuckled. He flicked his eyes around in a moment of silence, obviously surveying a question before smiling smugly at something, which caused you to quirk a brow at him in a playful manner. Damon piped up, "You know, there's an after party for this show, as usual, but it'll probably be the biggest yet, you should come." You smiled at his invite, but just giggled at the offer, "I won't last a minute around those girls, they'll rip me to shreds if they knew I sleep in the same room as you boys." You both laughed for a moment before Damon shook his head, "You never know Y/N, might find someone special, or just a one night stand, either way a shag would be worth it." You rolled your eyes at his shallowness, "Whatever floats your boat Damon."

He smiled as he took another swig, then placing the glass down in the sink, the metal and glass tapping each other creating a small clang. "Just promise me you'll think about it, yeah?" He asked as he pushed himself off the counter. You shrugged, "I'll give it some thought." Damon winked at you as he walked back into the bunks, leaving you to study your camera in silence once again, the next show was in a few hours and these photos needed to be up to standards.


The room erupted into cheering, You smiled up at the stage at Damon who threw his hands in the air as the sounds of the last song began to fade. Your eyes flicked over to Alex, who lifted his eyebrows at you and motioned at Graham with his head, causing you to look over at the guitarist. A small smile on his face, eyes fixated on you. You smiled back, giving him a thumbs up, motioning wordlessly that the gig went great, but you watched as his face went red and he looked away, into the crowd. You furrowed your eye brows looking back at Alex who was laughing, not like you could hear it, at Grahams reaction. You shrugged it off, raising your camera to your eye as you snapped one last photo of the band, and a single one of Graham. You admired it for maybe too long, his big smile and glasses perched on his nose, hair falling perfectly. You shut the camera off before you kept looking.

"Goodnight Everybody!" Damon yelled into a microphone, Dave crashing his sticks against the crash cymbal, giving Damon's words emphasis. The crowd roared as he waved, following Alex off stage. You didn't wait long after the boys began leaving the stage to make it backstage where the roadies were definitely creating havoc as they began to pack everything up. You climbed some stairs, pushing a black door open to meet the boys, sweaty and out of breath, on the wings of the stage.

"Y/N!" Alex greeted as Damon and Dave walked off somewhere, shooting you a smile and wave. Graham was on the floor with his guitar case. "Hi Alex," he walked over to you, laying an arm over your shoulder which you cringed at. "You're disgusting, you smell disgusting, get off me." You pushed him away as he laughed, "I thought girls love the smell of sweaty boys." He spoke smugly. Your scrunched your nose and backed away. "Where did you hear that?" You spoke, playfully glaring at him. "I have my sources." He winked, pulling a laugh from your throat.

"Damon told me you're coming to the after party." Graham piped into the conversation, looking straight at you. You flicked your gaze down to him, "I don't know." Alex scoffed, "Y/N, you have to come."

"Why?" You questioned. Alex spoke smugly, "Might get a good shag, I dunno." Your rolled your eyes at his shallowness. "Might even be with someone in the band." Alex teased, causing you to laugh, you heard Graham make a small noise he covered by snapping a lock of his guitar case closed.

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