"P/n" [pet name, I'm not gonna pick one bc I know for a fact someone's gonna complain about it so make up your own (darling, love, beloved, etc.)]

My mouth drops open at the new name and he gives a cheesy smile. "You like your new name?"

"Yes Ranboob"

He gives an exaggerated pout and I sigh. "Get uppp"


"The wedding's today idiot"

"What time is it?"

"The wedding, 4:00, right now, 11:50am"

"We have time"

"No," I say, attempting to drag him out of bed.

He pulls me closer to him instead, and I lay my head on his chest, giving up.


A door opens. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA BED"

It's Tubbo. Of course it's Tubbo. I sigh and close my eyes.

"This is so unfair" It's Tommy speaking this time.

"What is?" Amber asks.

"That streamers find it hard to date because of publicity and here they are just being in love, gross"

I open my eyes a crack to look at the three. "I dunno, just, date each other"

They look around in disgust.

"EW" (Tommy)



"That's nice, get well soon," I murmur, closing my eyes again. [iykyk]

I feel arms around my waist and I'm lifted out of Ranboo's grasp. Turning my neck, I meet grayish eyes. "Buffbo"

"Hey, give me my P/n back :(," Ranboo says, crossing his arms as Tubbo sets me on the floor.

"Then get out of bed"

He reluctantly leaves the bed and picks me up, walking back-

"Hell no, you're not going back to sleep, get ready"

The three leave the room and I yawn, walking over to the suitcase and finding a shirt and flannel pants, and going to change.

When I return I see Ranboo wearing a similar outfit, and one of my hoodies.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie?"

"Because it fit, why are you wearing mine?"

"It's not yours anymore"

He grabs me and runs to the main area, setting me on a chair.

"Are you two finally awake?" Tommy whines.


"We're going to want to get there at 3:30 and it's a 45 minute drive"

"If anyone is doing makeup that's going to take a bit, do it now"

I grab Ranboo's hand and drag him with me to find my makeup bag.

"Okay this time no making out with me," I say jokingly, setting the two colors on the table.


"I'm sure Tommy has a different opinion"

"Tommy wasn't there"

"Mhmm," I say, tilting his chin up so I can apply the eyeliner.

"How are you feeling about the wedding?"

You know you love me || Ranboo x Reader *on break/discontinued*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon