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"I feel like I'm entitled to answers. Am I going to get them?" I asked.

"Of course. I promise I'll answer anything," he said.

"Don't promise me something you can't keep up with. Why did you leave?"

"I thought leaving you would help out the situation. You needed space to think and I gave it to you without you asking."

"I didn't need space, Michael. I needed my best friend there to help me. It probably wouldn't have been good, though. I probably would have fell harder for you. You leaving hurt me so much, but it helped me realize that you clearly don't love me in the same way I loved you."

"Loved?" he seemed hurt.

"Did that hurt you? Take that pain and magnify it by a thousand. Michael, I still love you. I just try not to make it the type of love you can't relate to. I want things to go back to the way they used to be more than anything, but I don't know if that's a good idea," I frowned.

"Why not?"

"Seriously? Can I trust you?" I gaped.

"Its your decision to trust me Ana. I can't force you to trust me. I can try and help you trust me. I want your trust back. I miss you. I miss us. I miss hanging out. I miss everything," he admitted with teary eyes.

"I can't let you off the hook that easily. A few tears won't crack me. I shedded so many more, catch up," I joked. I hope Michael never has to go through that pain. It sucks.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's not fully okay but it can get there," I assured him.

How have the boys not asked where I was? I checked my phone to see that it was on silent.

Lukey- where you at girl?

Calum- why did you leave. come back and love me.

Me- don't be clingy loser. I replied to Calum before opening Ashton's text.

Ash- I really hope you're okay. I heard you crying. Text me back when you can. x

Me- im fine. I was just getting some air. I'll be back soon.

"We should probably head back now," I suggested.

"You want to make an appearance with me?" he asked shocked.

"Should I change my mind?"

"Definitely not, let's go," he pointed towards the way out.

The walk was nothing but silent. I wasn't complaining though, I had a killer migrane.

"What are we going to tell the boys?" he finally spoke up.

"Do we have to say anything really? All they've wanted was for us to be semi-okay. Here we are, semi-okay. What more is there to say?"

"I don't know. Maybe a warning in advance?" he laughed.

"You make is sound like we're attacking them. But I'll do it anyways."

Lukey- with Michael. heading back now, see you in a few. x
Seconds later I got multiple replies.

Lukey- what?
you're with Michael?
why are you with him?
what is going on?????????????

No need to reply when we'll see them any second now.
"Be prepared for the bombarding of questions," he joked.

"Do you need your attorney?" I snorted.

"To be fair that was a good one," he raised his hand for a high five which I hesitantly accepted.

"Here we are," I grew nervous.

"Are you nervous too? I feel like we've done something wrong? Why are we so nervous? No- I meant why am I so nervous. Oops," he blurted.

"Shut up. Relax and just enter the house casually," I spoke heading inside.

I had one foot in when I felt Michael's hand intertwine with mine. What the hell? I whipped my head back shocked. He face grew read as he put his head down. I tried to take my hand back but it only caused him too tighten his grip.

"Fine, but don't cut my circulation off. Just because I can't feel my hand doesn't mean you won't feel it when I kick you in the balls."

"Promise," he smiled.


"Yeah, sorry," he frowned.

I led us inside looking for the boys. We didn't look far because they were apparently looking for us as well.

"Back together already?" Calum joked.

"Not funny, Cal," I said pulling my hand away.

"Too soon?"

"What do you think?" I huffed.

"Are you guys like okay now?" Ashton spoke up.

"Yeah I guess," I mumbled seeing Michael jump up in the corner of my eye. What a dork.

I feel like my updates are so boring. y'all should tell me what you think please? love you guys<3 thanks so much for reading.

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