"Wait, what!?" Eli said as he freaked out.

"Shut up-! We don't want to be caught, remember?"

"Right, right... Just give me the money, please. My family needs it."

"Sure thing, I hope everything's well out there."

"You'll be the reason my family will be saved. Thank you, mister."

"No need to thank me." The man said as he handed out the money. "Now, get out of here, it's not safe."

"Yeah, yeah. I will."

Eli hugged the man and started to walk away. He could hear his own footsteps as he walked, and he could also hear another pair slowing going away. It all made sense to him, but then he suddenly hear another pair of footsteps. He thought it might have just been someone walking past the street, but then he realized it wasn't only that.

"Wait... He said he was being followed... Oh- Fuck! I need to help him!"

Eli quickly ran back to the hall and realized the man wasn't there anymore. He panted and looked around, and as he did he heard someone scream. It bounced through the hall's walls, so he rushed deeper into the hall into he stumbled upon something. The more he ran, the more he started to hear a conversation.

"Don't you understand!? He's just a boy, he needs help! YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER!" A familiar voice screamed.

"You don't get it, do you?" A deep voice said. "I paid you to bring him to me, and you've been helping him all this time. You're a traitor. You disappoint me."

The strange man pulled out a gun, and Eli gasped as he tried to stay quiet. The man hadn't seen him yet, so he just stood on the shadows. He knew a bullet could be shot out any moment from that weapon, so he was really careful and thought about he could approach the strange man to help his friend escape.

"You're not going to shoot me, are you?" Eli's friend said. "You know that if you get rid of me you'll never find him, right?"

"I bet he's around here, trying to save you from your inevitable death... Eli, go away before I find you and kill you with my bare hands." The stranger said.

Eli got scared, he knew his advantage over the situation was gone. A lot of thoughts rushed through his head. He freaked out, and out of pure instinct he jumped at the man and punched the man right in the face.

"GO AWAY, NOW!" Eli screamed to his friend. The evil man had dropped his gun, so Eli quickly tried to get it. Just as he was about to take it, he felt someone pull on his leg. He got pulled away from the gun, and the man quickly picked it up and aimed it at Eli's friend. Eli knew what was happening, so he quickly got up and tried to tackle the man. But just as he was getting up, he heard a loud bang. He refused to believe it had happened, so he still tried to tackle him, only to receive a strong punch right to the face. He dropped to the ground and grabbed part of his shirt to clean the blood on his nose. And as he did, he noticed that his blood wasn't the only one dripping on the floor.

"No... NO, NO, NO!" Eli screamed as he started to cry. His friend was now dead, a hole "Why.. WHY DID YOU DO IT!?"

"He never wanted you to know the truth." He said as he chuckled. "He was a traitor, Eli. He was meant to bring you to me, but instead he tried to help you. Don't you think that's a bit disrespectful? All the money I gave him so he would work for me, to think he used it in YOUR favor and not mine..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!" Eli screamed as his heart started to beat faster. "You're a MONSTER! Why do you want to kidnap me!?"

"Heh... You must be so confused. I wouldn't ask more questions if I were you."

"I don't know who you are, BUT I NEED ANSWERS! Who the hell are you meant to be!? Why me out of all people!?"

The man's response was a punch to Eli's face. He dropped to the ground, and he tried to stand up to start running away. Before he could get away, he got pulled from the back of this shirt and slammed into a wall. His vision got blurred, and he could only see the man staring at him, way too close for comfort.

"I know you're struggling as of right now. But don't you remember your life before your crisis began? You were so happy, everyone liked you, everything went the way you wanted. I want that happiness, Eli. I know I wouldn't get it if I didn't do something. I'm the reason your life's a mess right now. I want to get rid of you. I'm GOING to get rid of you. That way, everyone who's ever loved you will now love me..."

"You're not going to kill me... YOU'RE FUCKING NOT!"

Eli swung his elbow and hit him right in the jaw, making him let go of Eli. He ran and tried to hide in the shadows, but an absurd pain in his leg made him stop.

"AGH! SHIT!" He screamed as he looked at his leg. The man had shot it, and he was bleeding way too much. He kept crawling, trying to ignore the pain and doing his best to escape. He thought he had to be at least close to escaping, but a shadow behind him proved him wrong. The man picked him up and started walking with him deeper into the hall, Eli too tired to try and fight back.

"You're coming with me, buddy. I'll make of your murder a special one..."

Eli fainted from the fear he was feeling. While he was out, he thought about what he had done to deserve this. All he had tried to do was help his family. All he wanted to do was make his sister happy, and not make her worry about the struggle they were going through. He only knew that when he would wake up, he'd do anything he could to escape from this evil man's control. He didn't plan on dying on the hands of someone else. He slowly started to wake up, and he noticed things weren't going his favor. He woke up in a chair, and his hands were tied up behind his back.

"Oh! You're finally awake..." The man said as he held a knife.

"You're not going to do it, I know you aren't..." Eli whispered.

"Are you challenging me, you little brat? You're really not understanding what's happening, are you? YOU'RE GOING TO DIE."

"Then what the FUCK are you waiting for!?"

Eli got up from the chair and kicked his legs to make him fall. He stepped on his arm to try and take the knife away from him, but it was useless. Without his hands, it was hard to fight back, so the next plan was trying to escape. He quickly ran to the other side of the room, but the door was locked. He started to freak out, he didn't know what else he could do to escape. And before he could think of something else, the man grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground.

"NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!" The man screamed. "YOU'RE DEAD... I'LL KILL YOU!"

The man punched Eli in the face again, stunning him pretty bad. Eli was so confused, his heart was beating faster than ever, and his entire body was shaking. When suddenly, his body froze, and his heart stopped. He only felt a strong, sharp pain in his chest. When he looked, the man's knife was right in his chest. He didn't even have the breath to scream. His mouth would open, but no words or sounds would come out. He saw the man slowly approaching to his ear, and he started to whisper.

"Demille. Never forget that fucking name. I'll haunt you until the end of time. I'll make sure you never come back. Don't think you're only one that'll suffer. I'll get your sister too, and she'll meet the same fate you did just now. And if we ever meet again in another world, I'll ruin your life yet another time. Never forget me. I'll be your worst nightmare..."

Eli's eyes started to slowly close. He knew this was it. He was going to die. All his life flashed through his eyes before they were completely shut. And when they closed, he knew that he would never open them again. At least not in this world, and maybe never in another one. He let his thoughts and life fly away with the wind. He was dead. He was never going to return now.

More Than A God (IV)Where stories live. Discover now