Chapter 1: Information

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"Glad that Penelope Judith died." I heard a girl from class said.

"Yeah! Glad that Cluade killed her... She's such a selfish arrogant brat that she thinks she could get anything she wants." Another girl said and rolled her eyes.

"Who is Penelope Judith anyways?? Why are people making bad impression about her?" I asked my friend next to me.

"Your so out of your mind! You don't know Penelope Judith from Who Made Me A Princess a.k.a WMMAP?!" My friend gasped in shock.

"No...? Why would I know that? That's why I asked you 'Who is Penelope Judith' remember??" I replied

"Well Penelope Judith is a character from a webtoon named Who Made Me A Princess, she's the counts eldest daughter. She had long, wavy brown hair that extended to the middle of her back with bangs styled straight across her forehead hanging above a pair of large, slanted peridot green eyes and a beauty mark right underneath the left side of her bottom lip. After several years, her curly hair was cut short and brushed past her shoulders. As a noblewoman, Penelope was often dressed in lavish gowns, accessorized with fine jewelry and makeup. And her personality was an ambitious woman who desired a comfortable and luxurious life above all else. She was selfish and manipulative, capable of turning her back on those she deemed unnecessary. Rather than forming genuine bonds with others, Penelope chose to establish advantageous relationships that would allow her to achieve her goals. As the daughter of a count, Penelope was betrothed to the second prince of the Obelian Empire, Claude de Alger Obelia. She was unsatisfied with her dim future as a mere duchess and coveted the powerful seat beside the future monarch of the empire. Thus, she convinced her father to delay the engagement announcement and seduced the first prince and heir to the throne, Anastacius de Alger Obelia. The two eventually became lovers and her engagement with Claude was canceled. After obtaining the throne, Anastacius used Penelope to conduct an experiment, artificially creating a child filled with black magic. When Anastacius fell at the hands of Claude, Penelope, protecting her unborn child, fled the imperial palace. She eventually found shelter at the House of Alpheus and desperately put her remaining faith into her child's future, believing the baby would be her solace. Penelope died giving birth to her daughter, who would one day grow to become Jennette Margarita." My friend explained long!

"In short, she's a slut!" My friend shouted and stood up from her seat, everyone in our class looked at her.

"H-hey seat down...!" I said and pinched her leg.

"Sh*t oww!!" My friend said and immediately covered her face with embaressment.

"No cursing in my class!" The teacher said, she than immediately sat down.

"Goodness me kayle, you should have whispered it at me." I whispered at my friend.


I walked home after class since me and kayle's hang out was delayed because she sent to detention after class.

"I still don't get it why they hate Penelopy or Penelopi judi—" I said to myself but was cut off when I saw a car that is going to hit me!


The car hit me, and I fell to the ground and opened my eyes. All I can see is blury blue and red lights surrounding me...

PENELOPE JudithWhere stories live. Discover now