The Journey Begins

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I walked home with Beth after a long day of college. It's been nice since we both agreed to live together. We had been through a lot with each other, along with Timmy and Katie. Surviving several prisons, time travel, and especially The Warden.

        "I'm so glad that it's finally over." I thought to myself. To think I am now getting married to someone I met in prison. Although she was wrongfully put in there, it was still a funny thought.

I was dreamingly walking, subconsciously putting my stuff down in its rightful place. I then walked to the couch, just resting as I felt the call of sleepiness get to me. I saw Beth walk past me with my eyelids have-closed, probably getting a snack from the kitchen. We were given numerous sheets of homework that were due in 2 days.

        "I probably should start working on them." I pondered unwillingly.

I tried to awaken myself, so I can actually get started on the work. However, the comfort of the couch seems to have other plans by keeping me in its clutch. Before I even knew what was happening, the calm embrace of darkness took hold of me.

I was dreaming. I knew that for sure, I wouldn't have aroused in darkness otherwise. I walked around for what seemed like hours trying to find something in this void. I wondered if I was ever going to get out of here or would Beth try to stir me out of my sleep. As I continued to trudged along in the blackness I soon heard an eerie voice calling to me.

        "Jay..." it had said.

        "What?" I questioned out loud, startled by the sudden voice.

        "Jay...." it called again.

        "What do you want from me!?" I shouted at it, I was starting to get freaked out.

        "We need you legend, THEY are back and they want the park, THE WORLD once more." The voice said.

I kept looking around trying to find where the voice was coming from in this murkiness. The voice was coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Rushing my senses with its booming voice. Now terrified, I tried to find a way to run away from the voice. As I stumbled into a sprint, I charged through the darkness of my mind. To no avail, I couldn't escape the voice.

        "Leave me alone! I don't know what you want from me!" I yelled into the abyss. Soon I see a bright light in front of me. It took the form of a faintly glowing body. With a hue of blue around it, it at least was 3-5 feet taller than me.

        "Jay, you and your brother need to come back to the park. Fnaf World needs you, rather you remember or not!" the now bodied voice said, getting more and more frustrated with every word.

        "I shall leave you to think, for I know it won't be for long". It said knowingly. I soon was left in the dark, no longer the light of the being hugging and grabbing me out of the bleakness. I soon realized I was unknowingly crying. I brushed my cheek to see the droplets of tears on shaking hands. I then hold myself, trying to receive comfort from something in this void. I was alone in this darkness for what seemed like eons. I then heard a voice, so beautiful to me and giving me solace I so desperately desired.

        "Jay?!" Beth called out to me.

        "Beth!" I cried out in a desperate attempt to yell at my soon to be wife.

         "Jay wa....p!" she said, her voice now fading.

         "No, Beth, come back!" I cried out once more, desperation taking a hold over me.

Fnaf Retuns to Parkside: RewriteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ