The atmosphere was thick and uneasy to be in now. " So what about you? You were the one in America. How- How was it? "

"Well, when we get home, I'll show you all the picture and videos I took. Well if you want. Or I can just tell you of how it was practically illegal for me to get drunk so we had to sneak it and wake up the days during exams with a bloody hangover"

He took a lingering look as he observed me. "I like the second one better. Did you meet any new fellas in the states?" Louis attempted to start another conversation.

"Yeah, some. They were kind. Some just assumed I was arrogant because of my accent" I dipped my head down at the memory. The memory of spending a portion of it alone. Leave it to stereotypes to define a person.

"Oh. I'm sorry" was his response.

"No, no. It's okay" I shook my head in dismay, "So, what was her name?"


"The birdy you were getting over"


"Come on. You could tell me"

"Er... That's not important."

"Please. Please. Please. Plea-"

"You know her."

I gasped, "What?! Who? Who? Who?"

"Um. Guess."

"Her name is Guess? You know, there was a brand named Guess back there in my uni trip," I stated informative.

Louis chuckled and shook his head.

"Aw, very well then. Let's see? Emily? Barbara? Denise?"

None of them were.

"Clue 2?"

"I- Uh. We- Er. Um. This would make it obvious. So."

"So you won't tell me?"

He took an observant look at me with an expressionless visage, " She helped me out with my science project back in 6th form."

I took a look back at my life.
That was me.
Me. Me me me me.
He was talking about me.
"Get over a girl"
Is he over me?
Did he try to get over me?
I looked straight ahead the road, my thoughts wandering around the globe.

Is he over me?

My seat belt was unclicked.
Louis had unclicked it.
"We're home," he said monotone.
I gawked.
"That's why I didn't tell you about my feelings. Because I just knew they wouldn't be reciprocated," he said, looking straight forward to the front porch. The light was on. Everyone was asleep.

Louis had driven 2 hours to pick me up.
If he's over me, why would he do that?

His head turned to face mine.
A small glimmer of hope showed in his eyes, but his lips remained in a thin line.
"Guess whom I had a crush on," I requested.

He scoffed, "You're f*cking heartless," he unlatched his seat belt, "You were crushing on that football player playing first line. Did you know you are so confusing? When he asked you out to the dance, you told him no. He walked away disappointed and you smiled at me. You gave me a full on grin and then a wink!"

He paused before continuing and I neared him when I should have been getting further away since he was obviously frustrated.

" You could get any boy you wanted. But you didn't. And you were so ignorant to their drooling smiles. I mean, who doesn't notice that? And I wanted them so badly to stop staring at you, because I wanted to be the one to take you out on dates and hold your hand and kiss-"

So I kissed him.
The butterflies in my stomach fluttered and I couldn't get rid of them.

I backed away first.
Then looked at him with an "Oops smile".

His lips were multiple shades of pink.

I licked my chapped lips.

In a swift move, Louis grabbed the back of my neck and brought me closer to him with more confidence.

It was important for us to express our feelings forwards each other that day then any other. If we had before, I would have never left to a distant Uni.

Oh, and this kids is how a fight turns into a confession of long term love.

Louis Tomlinson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now