She sighed heavily, then looked at her hands, threw the gun away kind of scared. Never in her lide she expected to do, or being able to that. It was almost as a proud moment and akso terrorrizing.

-Wow...-She heard someone gasping behind her.

Turned around, from the expression she could tell it was Steven, and, alive.

-Why didn't you wake up sooner?!-She yelled at him, he lifted his eyebrows surprised. Then, followed by an amount of tears resting on her eyes, she hugged hum and cried.- Don't scare me like that again.-She hit his back, he let a light groan escape from pain.-Sorry....But don't do that again!

-Aight'.-He grinned- Aight' ma'am, stop hitting me now.

She looked into his sweet and pure eyes, but also, between them, troubled, fireful ones. It was almost as she could see them both at the same time.

-Come on, let's get out of here.


Camping inside a car, somewhere in the middle of the desert, away from the previous adverseries. If Mira and Steven (and Marc) didn't rest they probably wouldn't be able to keep on tomorrow at the tomb.

-Take it off.-She told him.

He looked at her confused.

-The shirt.-She pointed.-And the coat.-He kept quiet.-Take it.

-W-Why would-

-If you are hurt, I need to at least help you ease the injuries a bit, or it can cause more damage to your health.-She explained but Steven still kept the shirt on.-Come on, Steven, you did that before.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

-Oh, sorry, Marc did...-She shaked her jead, it was still a bit hard for to difference.-Okay, then take it off for me, please?

He was quite shy, but took the shirt off. "Focus, Mira" she told herself as she looked for possible injuries, just some scratches thankfully. It was quite impressive how he healed, maybe because of the suit.

-May I ask you something?-She said.

-Uhum.-He nodded, trying to not care about her warm hands touching his bare chest, it gave him chills.

-How long have I been talking to Marc?-She asked interested- I mean, at some point you disappeared and he entered the story. Or did you two change from day to day...-

-Marc came to Cairo.-He replied.-Not me. I actually want to finish this as quick as possible, since we made a deal.

-A deal?

-Yeah.-Steven replied so sure of the deal that it was quite sad to watch.-Once we get rid of all this situation with Ammit, he'll let me take my body back, and I'll go back to my life.

Mira seemed quite confused. From her conclusion, Marc was just a...

-Is that possible?-She asked lifting one eyebrow. Did he know who Marc really was?

-He promised me. It must be.-He told her.-It has to.

Mira put on a bandage above an injury delicately, as her head still ran with thoughts.

-So...he wouldn't come back anymore?-She didn't feel happy as she expected herself to be.


-I see...-She just muttered.

Steven did not feel much satisfaction in that sentence, but didn't have the courage to ask her the motive.

-When...-She let her hands go from his chest from a moment, resting them on her lap, her head down- When we were on that boat...-She took a deep breath.- All the things you...I mean...was that you or...-She passed her hands through her head, it was almost as her brain would split in the middle with all that situation.

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